
Amnesia (Part 2)

"Serry?" asked Ardilo's Mom confused. She did know that Serry was one of Ardilo's best friends. But Serry has moved to college because of the case he had done with Ardilo and Taera in the past.

"Yes, Mom. Where's Serry?" asked Ardilo again.

"Serry isn't here. Maybe you've forgotten that Serry has moved colleges," said Ardilo's Mom.

Taera and her parents along with Stefa, Hano, and the others were very shocked. It seems that Ardilo does not remember that he has experienced many things. Arvina had tears in her eyes. She was very sad that Ardilo forgot his memories like this. Is it possible that later he will also remember Yola who almost brought down their family?

"Just like this, you talk to Hano. He's the closest to you. Let him tell you slowly. And... let Taera help you here to slowly remember all the events that you have experienced," suggested Ardilo's Dad.