Brax had read through the information on the new compatible females, and he had not seen any biological symbols that would be compatible. HelixI had developed an integration program that allowed Arcturian males to learn the language and customs of the new females. All Arcturian males, including Brax, spent many hours in the system, learning as much as possible about this planet.
Brax knows he can have any position he chooses after many years of service, and after this mission, at some point, Arcturia will need to separate from ICUS for a new start in their new world. He does not believe he can stand to watch the new matings, meldings, and families develop as his species is repopulated. As much as he knows that this is necessary, absolutely imperative, his greatest secret desire is to have a soft, warm female to sleep with at night after so many cold nights in space. A family? That is a deep dark desire that he does not allow himself to even hope for.
Brax shakes off his mood. He has a job to do; the final stage of sealing off the Gamut starts tonight, with him leading the ground forces. He will lead the troops into the battle, ensuring their victory and hopefully sealing his fate.
Brax turns and walks the curved corridor to his quarters to change into his armor.
HelixI joins him as he reaches his door.
“Greetings, Brax. Are you ready for this evening's engagement?” HelixI looks over as Brax gestures for him to walk inside. HelixI slaps Brax on the shoulder. He is looking forward to seeing Purix in containment. His primary project for the past few years has been establishing the Repopulation Mission for Arcturia. Finally, he has stabilized the transport system for Earth females so they can safely travel to Arcturian vessels.
“You make this sound like a party. While I enjoy a good battle, tonight is significant to lock in this outer edge of the Gamut. The remaining sensors that help contain Purix to the Gamut will be installed.” Brax grumbles as he moves through his living chamber into his sleeping chamber.
They walk into Brax’s spacious quarters. He has an entry area with a communication center, a work center, and a central galley with biological and nonbiological generation units that will create meals, clothing, and other programmed items. His sleeping chamber is in the back area with a large round bed, relaxation screen, sensory chamber, and lounger programmed to his body for healing and rejuvenation. His chamber is colored hues of blue, red, and purple hues with a dark blue ceiling with circulating lights that mirror the location in space they’re traveling through.
Brax changes into his armor and retrieves his weapons from a wall unit with locked his unique biological code. Brax checks his armor and weapons for readiness. He will pick up his mission pack at the prep area with his unit.
The black, micro-liquid AI armor adheres to Brax’s form. The uniform fits him like a glove, clinging to his broad shoulders, tapering down his abdomen, and fitting his large muscular legs. The armor is reinforced over vital organs, enhancing his speed and camouflaging him in the battle setting.
“Of course, of course, no partying in space. Check.” HelixI looks over at his friend. “You are always so serious, Brax, and we are moving into an era of containment; it’s time to think about the future. Are you excited about ICUS approving the Repopulation Mission?”
“I support the initiative. You know I voted to support the program. I know how much you have worked on the program. Engaging in the Infinitax program to learn about Earth has been interesting. What is the status of the mission?” Brax retrieves his weapons and communication gear from their lockers. His dour expression reflects his sorrow at not being a suitable candidate for the mission.
He is due to the prep area where his battleship is docked in a few phases. Brax looks over at his friend, HelixI, the first of an AI species, and attaches himself to Arcturia. Brax has not shared with anyone that he is incompatible with the Repopulation Mission. Brax wipes his expression from his face, so his disappointment does not show. He must shut off his dark thoughts, even from someone he considers a friend.
“The program is ready. This morning I finalized the technology for safe transport. The Infinitax gaming program on Earth has been extremely successful; many females have played Infinitax, the video game. When I leave you, I will contact the first female and get her gaming program integrated to allow transport.” Helix had seen the flash of disappointment and something darker from Brax. He is concerned at the darkness but smiles inwardly, knowing that he would be contacting a female that statistically is Brax’s perfectly matched female. In a few moments, he will contact her through the gaming system, offering her a secret mission and placing her within the battle group for tonight’s battle.
HelixI knew about Brax’s battle gene and mark and knew that Brax had tried gene therapy to delete the mark and the mating requirement. HelixI knew these attempts had been unsuccessful, and Brax was close to self-destructing with Brax in constant battle mode. HelixI could sense some of Brax’s inner turmoil.
HelixI had watched Brax’s face and eyes when Brax agreed to keep females off the front lines, knowing he was sacrificing the opportunity for a female to develop the warrior mark through battle. Arcturian biology synthesizes life experiences and creates body markings to indicate these life experiences. The hope was that a warrior mark would manifest with a biologically compatible female, meaning the female was reproductively compatible with Brax.
With Brax’s vote to keep females off the battlefield, he had essentially removed the possibility of a compatible mate for himself.
Having seen that dark look, HelixI believes his maneuvering couldn’t be better timed. He was not a believer in every rule and regulation. Some laws should not be followed, especially if the rule caused his friend Brax to sacrifice his future.