
Archmage's Arrival

The Archmage of Winterhold, Magnus, has done everything there is to do. Facing a dead end at the hands of Miraak leads him into a world of Devil's and Angel's. All TES Magic used

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A Situation of Dire Consequences

I am tired.

Such a simple statement can be taken in multiple ways. The main one is mental. My once titanic magicka reserves are now dwindling. I tried blinking the dark spots out of my eyes, failing spectacularly. Even drawing on the bare minimum amount of Magicka caused my head to pound. Feeling the blood drip out of my nose was another indicator that I pushed myself past my limit.

"I see you're out of power now." A smug voice rang out across the summit of Apocrypha. Despite the arrogance, I could tell the tone was haggard. I was so close to killing that smug bastard Miraak. I summoned all my strength and rolled around and tried to pick myself up. A rough foot kicked me down mid-action making me grimace.

"The Last Dragonborn, Magnus Aurelius. Slayer of Alduin, the World-Eater. Defeated in front of me." Miraak said, unable to hide his joy.

"You were a worthy opponent, supremely talented, highly studious, and quite frankly, ferocious. If you were granted the time I was given, you would've won." Miraak admitted. Panic sank into my mind. No one will be able to overcome him. Solstheim is doomed. Skyrim is doomed. Things could not get any worse.

"Hermaeus Mora, claim your prize," Miraak yelled into the eldritch sky. I was mistaken.

My eyes opened and a presence filled my mind.

"This isn't over Miraak!" I yelled in rage. I would persevere. I lived through many things. I saw things that would drive anyone insane. Death would not stop me.

"Do you hear me, you smug bastard!?" I screamed. All I heard was silence. Then I felt a tug deep inside me.

"No," I whispered. I quickly realized that I was being absorbed. My eyes wouldn't open and I could feel myself get even weaker. Ironic, the dragon absorber getting absorbed. Despite that I refused. I fought against the pull. I fought for the longest time and was quickly gaining strength. I felt an alien thought. Annoyance.

I grinned. I never had to fight for it before. It was in my nature though. To dominate and take. I pulled harder. Before I knew it, the power was pouring in.

Another thought pounded in my head.


The power that was flooding in started to trickle, and before I knew it, there was silence. I opened my eyes to a deep void. I couldn't help but laugh though. Not many could best a Daedric prince, even if it was only a shard. I drew on my now almost doubled magicka pool and casted Grand Healing on myself, feeling my wounds knit themselves perfectly. I sat there in the silence, floating peacefully. Now that I was at my peak my thoughts began to turn.

"What to do?" I thought. As I am now, I could probably teleport back and finish off Miraak and save the world. But what about after that? I had done everything.

"I could go back and settle down, have a few kids, and relax."

Hah. I could never see myself doing that. I was the Dragonborn. The Hero. I would never settle for normality. Still though… What other choice was there? Before I could continue a crack of white filled the empty void, lighting it up. I levitated towards it and peered at it. It was the size of my hand. More cracks appeared. I levitated backward and watched it grow bigger and bigger. Sweat poured down my head as the gears in my mind turned. If this is a pocket dimension, something is breaking in. And I doubt anyone nice would be breaking into a dimension where only I existed. My magicka churned and I prepared a portal back to the summit of Apocrypha. The void shattered and I realized it was too late. I was now floating in a world of thousands of shifting colors. My magicka was draining, meaning wherever this was, it wanted me gone. I looked up and down in wonder. This was bizarre. I then looked behind me and an eye met mine. An acid-yellow eye with a diamond-black pupil the size of Alduin gazed at me. Freezing in fear I realized that there was a crimson dragon the size of a city right in front of me. I sensed an otherworldly powerful presence and I realized that this dragon was casting a spell on me. Some sort of clairvoyance spell penetrated my soul. Seeing my worth. I heard maddening laughter and everything went black.

Barely anything was worthy of note in the Dimensional Gap. Doing tricks for an eternity was fun though. The snake brat would get her ass kicked every now and life for Great Red was good. Before I could do another flip I felt something change. A white crack formed in front of my eyes and bewildered, I felt one new dream form. And from it, thousands entered. Moments later millions poured out and I sorted through them with glee. One dream stood out. A perfect dream. A truly ideal dream. My laughter filled the void and a scared little mortal was in front of me. I plucked his soul out and slammed him into another, changing fate.

Those pathetic gods may get mad, but in the end, they can all fuck off.

I was floating again, I realized as my eyes opened. Another person was here this time, staring at me in shock. He had spiky brown hair with dull brown eyes. He was also wearing some kind of weird suit.

"They're not weird you bastard!" Whoops, said that out loud.

"Where are we?" I say ignoring the insult. I felt a presence form after a moment. It was unmistakable. A dragon. I primed my magicka and a heavy feeling filled the air.

"Woah, that's awesome!" The boy said loudly pointing at me. I realized something changed within me. My magicka felt heavier, for the lack of better words.

"Feels different," I mutter.

"Dude you're glowing!" The boy said in absolute awe. And it was true. I now had a purple cloak wrapped around me.

"It is indeed different. You're magicka merged into this world's version. Quite impressive, partner."

The deep rumbling voice both got our attention.

"Where are we, dragon?" I say suspiciously. He had no form, yet the presence was unmistakable, this was without a doubt a dragon.

"Peace. I will explain it simply. Magnus, your soul is currently taking over Issei's soul, and soon you will have his body."

The deep voice said evenly, shocking the both of us.

"Possession?" I wonder out loud.

"More like a merge with you in control, seeing as your soul is stronger." The voice replied, hearing me.

The boy, Issei, snapped out of his stupor and raged.

"Why!? This isn't fair!"

"Interesting" I mutter, ignoring the whining of the boy. If it meant living again, there's not much I wouldn't do. Distasteful though.

"It seems our fates are intertwined, young man," I say seriously, peering at him. He was young, scrawny, and of medium height. Truly a milk drinker.

The boy looked like he was on the verge of tears.

"Why me? I still have so much left to do!"

"It's inevitable. Any final words, self-proclaimed future Harem King?" The dragon said, almost sad. I almost laughed but he seemed serious.

"Yes! You bastard! Both of you! If I die here there's something you can do. No, you have to do it! A harem!" The passion and fire in his voice shocked me and I couldn't help but smile. Fine then. I was dead set on power since that fateful day in Helgen and never took the time to appreciate women. This was a man's true wish at the edge of death. I nodded my head, it was doable. If I were to hear that from anyone else I would've laughed in their face and moved on. But right now…

"Very well, a harem we will have." The presence of Issei started to fade. He nodded with tears streaming down his face. The void became quiet. The knowledge started to pour in.

"The merge is starting." The dragon said, making me nod. I looked down. And saw my lithe body changing. It's a shame that I'm inheriting this body. While I may be continuing with my life, I was fond of my body. The merge finished and I smiled at how quick it was. What shocked me the most was that I was in another dimension completely. It was entirely different and most humans had no magic at all. It seemed that they evolved into technology and industry. Utterly fascinating.

"I'm impressed, Most would balk at receiving that many foreign memories, but you're used to that, aren't you, partner?" Ah. I guess he's referring to the absorption of the many dragon souls I've gotten. Yes, dragons lived far longer and thus had lifetimes of memories to understand. Now then.

"Show yourself, dragon," I state, strangely feeling non-hostile.

Before me, a huge dragon twisted into existence. It was a deep red with arms and legs. It also felt strong. The presence increased astronomically. I felt no desire to fight.

"That would be a bad idea, Magnus of Skyrim, were both sewed together in the soul." He knew of my world, which meant-.

"I have all your memories. My

name is Y Ddraig Goch, and we are now partners."

I will be updating weekly

FreyrtheGreatcreators' thoughts