
Archangel's Seed

Angels, Demons, Dragons and Humans. Put in charge of the affairs of the Heavens were Seven angels known to man as the Archangels or the Hosts of Heaven. Originally seven in number, an eighth archangel was added to the mix. Love is a concept not foreign to the heavenly beings but was forbidden between them and other creatures. But that Law was defied. The eighth Archangel, fell in love with a human. He forfeited his role, power and title as an Archangel to become flesh- a man. But some of the heavenly hosts were unhappy and secretly plotted to end his life. Then, he had a son. And that was when the hosts unleashed war on mankind. The war was brutal. Lives and lands were lost. Families, friends and loved ones were separated from one another. Eventually, the eighth was found out. Or rather, he came out. From the compassion of his heart he sacrificed his life in order to save humanity- including his own son. The mother of the child fled. To preserve the life of herself and the boy, she escaped to another realm, the other side of humanity, away from mythical beings and heavenly bodies, a place called Earth. There, she and the boy were a safe. And they could live a normal life. Fifteen years later, the boy came to know the truth behind his father's death. And he swore, to wage war on the heavens and to avenge his father.

Karma_Yuzuriha · Fantastique
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174 Chs

Chapter Extra

Oh I'm sorry. I was a bit busy with- Daisuke!?"

She quickly knelt down beside the boy and placed her finger on the pulse point of his neck. She heaved a heavy sigh of relief as he was only unconscious, drifting in and out of his state of being. Lifing him up in her arms, just as a prince would do for a princess, she walked into the clinic and placed him gently on the bed. The feat was not surprising for he was unusually light for a boy due to malnutrition, which she was aware of.

Standing in the rain, with his eyes fixated on the ground, his clothes soaked with drip-drops of the middleweight storm, and his purple hair falling before his downcast eyes, a boy of not less than seven years old held onto his older sister with shaky hands.

'You cannot even begin to understand the burden he is carrying alone, and even if you did, you won't be able to accomplish what he has set out to do. So please, I ask of you, bear with us for a while.'

"Ugh, I hate this!"