

"Here sit down." She pulled out a chair for him, as he sat, and she sat beside him.

"Dig in." She smiled and said, as they began to eat to their fill. After the meal, they washed the dishes, before walking to the living room and sitting beside each other.

Lemuel instantly lied down and placed his head on his mother's laps, as she began to caress his hair.

"Mom, you were supposed to tell me something on my seventeenth birthday." Lemuel instantly remembered and asked his mom. "I actually forgot." She smiled and rubbed his hair.

"I said I was going to tell you about your father." She said, as a feeling of nostalgia washed over her.

"It's alright mom, I don't need to know." Lemuel, seeing the look on her face said with a sigh. "No Lemuel you have to know." She spoke sternly. "I don't want to know anything about him mom, he abandoned us." Lemuel said with a frown.

"He abandoned us Lemuel, but he had an important reason for it, and I understand." She smiled sadly and said.

"What could be more important than your newborn baby and your wife?!" Lemuel instantly stood up, as his expression morphed into that of anger, something rarely seen, considering he always wore that stoic and unfeeling expression on his face.

"Listen to me Lemuel, this world is bigger than you think, and your father, he was something else.." She sighed at her lack of words.

"Don't be shocked at what I tell you." She cautioned. "Come on mum, I don't think I'd even be shocked from this point. I mean you're an Amazon warrior, from the legends, and besides, I grew these." Lemuel rolled his eyes and stood, before he flexed his shoulder muscles for a second, and suddenly, a pair of long feathery white wings burst out of his back, as Orithia, his mom, looked on in shock.

"You grew your wings? That's amazing." She laughed and examined his fluffy wings, before rubbing his head lovingly.

"You knew? How? Last time I checked amazons didn't have wings..." Lemuel asked with a frown, as he retracted his wings and sat down.

"Your wings are related to your father." She said as she looked at him. "How well do you know your mythology?" She asked.

"Uhhh not much." He replied. "Well, for starters, your father was an angel." She said and finally heaved a sigh of relief. "Sigh." Lemuel heaved a sigh of relief.

"Why are you sighing?" Orithia asked as she looked at him. " I thought you had mated with some monster from Greek mythology." He sighed and said, as she smacked him on the head. "Ow mum, that hurt!" He groaned in pain as he rubbed his head.

"Humph!" She coldly harrumphed and glared at him. "But mom, I thought Amazons weren't allowed to mingle with males, so how did you.." Lemuel asked another question to relieve the tension.

"The Amazons aren't allowed to mate with males, however, your father wasn't just any male, in fact even amongst the highest ranks of angels, he was at the top. The epitome of beauty and perfection.... where do you think you got your looks from?" She said, before teasing him.

"In Themyscira, I was one of the best sorcerers and warriors, and I had lived there my whole life, until I met your father. On that faithful day, I was with Hecate, Goddess of magic, my master. I had seen him do battle with Kronos, the Primordial of Time and Gaea, the Earth Goddess and come out on top. On that day, I fell for him completely and he brought me into the mundane world, where we lived together until that day I gave birth to you, that day he vanished and never returned." Towards the end of his statement, tears could be seen dripping down her cheek.

"It's alright mom, it's alright." Lemuel hugged her and comforted her. They stayed like that for a few minutes, before she fell asleep in his arms and he carried her to bed, before walking back to the couch.

Sighing, he realized that he had lied to her about something.

The wings weren't the only thing he awakened. He had awakened a power that was beyond his imagination, the power of Pride. Even he didn't understand what it was fully. What he knew was that with it, he could command living things to obey him with even the minutest gestures.

He had used that on Matt and his goons earlier today, and although he hadn't mastered even 1 percent of the power, at least he had a grasp on it, and just needed to train. Also he had gotten stronger, faster and more durable, far above ordinary humans.

After thinking for a bit, he got up to his room, took off his clothes, showered and went to sleep.