
Arcane destinies: ARChmage Jaune

Jaune Arc, the Champion of Cyrodiil, fell in battle against the King of Worms after a Pyrrhic victory. He finds himself back in his homeworld where the gods grant blessings or classes to people. Look out, Remnant, an Archmage from Tamriel is here and ready to change everything. This fic is inspired by Forged Destiny and other gamer-like RWBY fics. I hope you guys will love this

Chirith · Anime et bandes dessinées
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The Imperial Battlemage

The world of Remnant, a world where your class means the difference between privilege and scorn, is a brutal world in a different yet similar way to Tamriel. 

Jaune Arc, an Imperial Battlemage of the Septim Empire, not to be confused with Imperial Battlemage High Chancellor Ocato, fixed his Courier outfit. The memories from his blessing ceremony echoed in his mind. All members of the Arc family had combat classes or were well-known in their fields. 

He became a courier, a non-combat class that had several organizations they could join. Dressed in the standard-issue uniform of the guild he had joined, the young man looked at his new bound wraiths. They tried to kill him and it would be better to keep some in place. 

The ruined clothes that were several sizes too small for him were fixed with the use of alteration magic. He had no weapons from this world and he had the same gear before he arrived at Tamriel. Looking at his pouch, the thing that remained with him until he lost it after it saved his life during his first time in the Deadlands. Having it with him once more was comforting. 

Looking at the unconscious people trapped in nature itself, the Blonde began to think. He was back in Remnant and by the looks of several years had gone by thanks to the memory charm he learned that allowed him to have a photographic memory of all the things he had read and seen before. 

Granted that it will take him a while to remember things without his memory partition and thought acceleration. Currently, he has four 'rooms' in his mind all focused on different things. One for regular things and thoughts, another is concurrently regulating his flow of Magicka, one for preparing his numerous library of spells, and one focused for spatial awareness. Before the war with Mannimarco, he had been starting his training to have a fifth room for new things. 

Scanning his mental library for the knowledge needed,

'Hmm, it seems like I can only perfectly remember everything from my first day in Tamriel until now. It must be because this spell uses Magicka,' The Blonde thought as he found the spells, while he was only an adept in the school of Illusions, his mastery of alteration, destruction, and conjuration.

Jaune Arc, Archmage of the Arcane University, grabbed their souls with spectral hands. Handprints on where his hands grabbed their souls glowed in both their physical bodies and souls. Preparing the magicka needed and the spell in his 'rooms' the Blonde used his spell.

Searching for their memories that contained him, the Blonde devoured them with his spell, powering himself as he consumed minuscule pieces of their souls that would heal in time. Using Illusion, the Blonde put several messages in their brain to act as a sort of informant for himself. This spell was a spell he developed to turn the most fanatic loyalists that Mannimarco had during the war, it worked perfectly and with his lone wolf style of destroying worm nests, it allowed him to get his spy network and valuable knowledge on how to counter the rituals and spells the worms used. 

By branding these bandits, a swordsman, several fighters, and a healer, he can manipulate them similar to sleeper agents but by only subconsciously telling them that he is their leader. A person with strong enough will or some spells will break them out of the mind control. He would just have them shadow him or spread them out to spy on numerous factions. 

He still had a job to do and this time, he will not be the leader of the organization. Before the war, his positions as the Guildmaster of the Fighters Guild and Guildmaster of the Thieves Guild, he was swamped with paperwork, especially with the Arcane University. Add his numerous travels around Cyrodiil every once in a while from Bravil to Cheydinhal. 

Then he became the Lord Commander of the Knights of the Nine, He had to step down as the leader of the Fighters guild and anoint a steward and heir to his position as the guildmaster of the Thieves guild. He was only 18 at that time! Was it bad that he would rather fight Umaril 'Ruin-from-afar' the unfeathered, the only one that managed to kill him in combat, granted his physical body was tired with the siege, and Mannimarco, the mortal aspect of the god of Necromancer, he who escaped from the realm of Molag Bal himself? 

So no thanks, he would rather be a simple courier, live life to the fullest, and maybe have a family of his own on a farm or something. 'Maybe open up a portal to Tamriel. I already traveled through numerous realms of Oblivion, so why not? I already have a lot of anchors like in my tower.' 

Using magicka, the blonde cast a version of the night-eye spell, allowing him to see perfectly in the dark. Blue eyes glowed under the night sky as the Blonde followed a path. Above him, his familiar, a raven given to him by Nocturnal after he returned the Skeleton key, guided his path. After he used it to unlock his full potential and to free himself from the binds of the Courier class and the gods of his world as well as both the Aedra and Daedra. 

As a member of the courier organization or guild known as black wings, he wore black similar to a crow's feathers over a white shirt and a leather traveling cloak. It also came with a standard-issue survival knife, which was later reforged to one of his daggers after he became a mage. That along with a courier's pack, enchanted to carry more than it should be able to, and a special slate showing the identity of its owner that will teleport to the headmaster in the case of the user's death along with the contents inside the courier's pack. 

It was funny to think that in the capital or large cities jobs like couriers are looked down upon and combat classes are more preferred but out in the frontier, non-combat classes such as farmers, alchemists, etc. are more preferred. Couriers are one of the few jobs that are given free access to all countries due to their jobs, but the paperwork needed is a nightmare to do so, and free travel in territories can be limited. 

Checking his Magicka pool, the Blond nodded to himself. He had lowered the spells of all of his destruction, conjuration, and alteration spells by 80%, and with his massive magicka pool and faster Magicka regeneration, it made him a nightmare to fight in straight mage duels Combined with his mastery of combat-level wards that can absorb magic and his several blessings regarding magic. 

Taking out his slate, a small hand-sized rectangular stone humming with ancient magic, the Blond sighed in relief as for the first time in several years, it glowed to life.

name: Jaune Arc

Class: Courier Level 1/20

Night's watch Courier guild


Bag of Holding: C

As an expert in Mysticism or the study of understanding magic to the point of being able to manipulate its laws, it was easy for him to notice how this slab hummed with ancient magic. Unlike a true master or practitioner of mysticism like the Psijics, a group of mages capable of Mysticism of the highest level, he was only good enough to willingly and temporarily change the laws of magic for a short time with effort but to completely change them will require him to use all four of his 'rooms' and most, if not all of his reserves. Might include several days of bed rest.

Pocketing the slate in his pocket, the young Blonde wrapped the cloak around his shoulders. Without his multitudes of enchanted items and artifacts, he would be a bind but. Whispering ancient words of power, the young man looked at his knife and he could feel ancient magic enchant the blade. While magic was his strongest point, his martial skills can be more valuable and effective depending on the situation. 


After several hours of walking and masking his presence with his expertise in illusion magic, the young man smiled as he saw it. A town, he can ask around there. 

A lone black feather fell from the sky, dancing with the wind as the Blond walked towards the town. Landing on his shoulder, the Blond raised his head towards the sky and looked at the raven, his familiar. Connecting with the aura in the feather, the Blonde frowned. There was no magic organization in the town other than a guildhouse. 

'Good enough for me,' 

Silent footfalls came from the Blond as he arrived in front of the town's gate. Powerful yet subtle enchantments surrounded his clothes. 

"Hello, I'm Jaune Arc from the Night's Watch Couriers guild. I got lost and I was wondering if I could go to the adventurer's guild to contact my guild." With a small application of magic to make them believe easier, the blonde showed them his slate. 

"Go ahead," the guards said. 

Thanking the guards, the young man took silent footsteps toward the building. It was a small town but large enough to be bigger than a village. 

Arriving at the guildhall in less than fifteen minutes, the young man opened the door. Numerous people from different classes can be seen mingling with each other. Preparing his slate, the young man approached the receptionist.

"Excuse me,"

Hearing the voice, the recepcionist, a bunny faunus, humanoids with animal features, with brown hair around her 20s jumped back. To her, the sudden appearance of the young man around his early 20s shocked her to her core. Years of experience

"Hello, I'm Choco Scarletina," the young woman said. Despite her appearance, Jaune knew she was older than she looked.

"I'm Jaune Arc. I'm here to update my status for the Couriers's guild associations." Associations, a group of guilds from the same service or function. The more popular a guild is in an association, the more jobs they get. Due to their popularity, guilds are always formed and destroyed depending on the circumstances and a guild popular and strong enough can earn the sponsorship of an entire kingdom.

"Please fill up your name and press your slate in this pad," Choco said as she presented the hero of Kvatch a couple of papers and a pad. The paper contained questions about the basic information of the person signing them while the slate did the same. It was a security protocol since there has been times when the systems powering the slates has been compromised. To combat this, each guild and organizations are rwquired to have a physical and soft copy of documents.

Filling the basic information required and signing it along with a thumbmark, Jaune pressed the slate on the pad. For the first time in years, the slate Jaune Arc used has entered the system.
