
Arcane Core: The Era Of Espers

The Earth in 2030 changed after a meteor named Arcane blasted and the dust mixed with the air. Many humans became espers and had supernatural powers after surviving arcane sleeping sickness and while other animals plants became beasts that were hunted down by espers. Halo was a student studying in 10th grade and unknowingly he was already diseased with arcane sleeping sickness. Read the journey of Halo and his companions about their discovery of the mystery of arcane.

Sourish_noob · Romance
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3 Chs

Eyes Of Seraphim

"Raise your heads," commanded Halo, and everyone in the church obediently complied, their gaze fixed on their newly proclaimed leader.

"First, tell me about your abilities," Halo continued, projecting an air of authority to establish his superiority. "I need your powers to defeat our ancient enemy, the Seraphim."

"Yes, my lord. I am Zek, the general of the demonic army," one demon stepped forward. "Most of our troops possess the ability to fly and superhuman strength, but I have the power of instant regeneration."

"Is there any way to counter your regeneration?" Halo inquired, seeking more information.

"No, my lord," Zek replied. Just as they were engrossed in conversation, a voice from another demon interjected, "My lord, I possess the ability to analyze any situation and provide accurate information."

"Sisia, don't interrupt," Zek responded, drawing his sword and pointing it at the impulsive demon.

"No need for that," Halo intervened, attempting to defuse the tension. "I understand your eagerness to help."

After extensive planning between Halo and Zek, Halo outlined their strategy to defeat the Seraphim. "We have a total of 1000 soldiers," he began. "Eight hundred soldiers will guard the front of the church, led by Captain Doma. They will be our first line of offense and defense. The remaining 200 soldiers will be positioned inside the church, ready to ambush the enemy when it enters. We will attack it with special demon blades to negate its regeneration. Zek and I will then engage in battle to vanquish the Seraphim. Sisia will remain in the church, analyzing the enemy's power. I also need two soldiers in my room. You have one hour to prepare for the fight."

Upon hearing the plan, fear gripped some of the demons, but Halo reassured them. "Do not fear, soldiers. I possess the power to bring back the dead. Fight for me, fight for your God." In unison, every demon in the church chanted, "All hail Lord Halo, the destroyer of heaven." Halo felt relieved to see that his words had the desired effect.

The soldiers readied themselves for the impending battle, and the Seraphim drew nearer, visible from the cloud where the church was situated. "Archers, unleash fire arrows upon the enemy. Ensure nothing but ashes remains," Captain Doma ordered. Countless fiery projectiles rained down upon the Seraphim, eliciting a horrifying scream.

"Now is our time to fight, cavalry!" Doma shouted. The demons engaged in fierce combat. Curious about the unfolding battle, Halo turned to Sisia. "What's happening?"

"It appears our soldiers are gaining the upper hand," Sisia reported, "but the Seraphim isn't using its powers, it also doesn't seem to have human intelligence."

Cries of both triumph and anguish emanated from the battlefield as the battle raged on. Suddenly, a soldier named Doma rushed toward the Seraphim with deadly intent, but the colossal being effortlessly grabbed Doma in its hand, turning him into dust.

"My lord, it seems the Seraphim's gaze, emanating from its numerous eyes, prevents our soldiers from moving," Sisia explained. "Captain Doma appears to be dead merely from contact with the Seraphim's hand."

"Hmm, send some of our soldiers to rescue the archers. I won't allow my people to die in vain," Halo commanded, instilling a renewed determination in his soldiers to fight for their king.

Sisia spoke up, "My lord, the enormous Seraphim seems to effortlessly destroy our cavalry." On the battlefield, with the Seraphim's countless eyes covering its body and its malevolent gaze paralyzing their entire army, it smashed soldiers to dust with a mere touch. The Seraphim was now moving towards the church.

As Halo ordered the rescue of the archers, he directed them, "Listen, archers, target the enemy's eyes when it enters the church. When their eyes are vulnerable, deal a major blow to its chest with your demon blades. Try to destroy its heart. Zek and I will also be in the battle, so do not worry. Don't fear death, as I possess the power to bring you back to life."

Halo shifted his strategy to defeat the Seraphim effectively. Sisia interjected, "We have one minute left until the Seraphim reaches us. Remember, do not let it touch you." The army remained resolute, determined to destroy the Seraphim. However, Zek and Sisia harbored doubts about Halo's ability to truly resurrect the dead.

sorry but i might not write more chapters this month as my exams are near

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