
Arcane: Champion Witness System

"Oh! So you're asking who I am?" "That's a good question, my friend!" He stood before her, spat out the yellow sand from his mouth, raised both hands shoulder-high, and proudly proclaimed, "I am a big shot in Zaun's Undercity, the ninth councilor of Piltover. I am the honored hero of Bilgewater." "What have I done?" "I once set fire to the Petricite Grove in Demacia and competed in height with the Yordles in Bandle City." "..." Standing in front of her, he spoke confidently. "And now, I've encountered you in the swirling sands of Shurima." "Alright, lady, I've said my piece. Could you please put away your weapon now?" ////This is a translation, I do not own this story or any character in it. The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm Gonna update 1 or 2 chapters a day cuz I got another book I'm translating.////

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-15- Big brother Viktor 

"Do you know me? Wait... I don't remember you. Who are you?" 

Viktor spoke up, but Jayce beside him interrupted. Jayce looked at Linwin with a complex expression and said seriously, "Sir, you saved me. But if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have fallen. So, this was originally your fault. But... I still want to say thank you, thank you for saving me."

"I am Jayce Talis. By the way, how do you know my name? I don't think I've met you."

Linwin smiled at him and asked, "Can I call you Jayce?"

Jayce hesitated for a moment. It was hard to be so close to someone he had just met. However, considering that the person had saved him earlier and he had... hung on to him for a few minutes, he felt a bit awkward. Jayce finally nodded and said to Linwin, "Of course, but how did you know my name?"

Linwin explained, "I'm sorry, Jayce. I overheard your conversation with Viktor earlier."

Jayce couldn't deny that and asked, "From what you said just now, you know Viktor?"

Viktor stood beside Jayce, somewhat speechless.

He had just asked about the other person's background!

But considering every stroke of Jayce's notes on the page, Viktor shook his head inwardly.

Jayce was a genius, an arrogant and self-centered genius.

Linwin ignored Jayce and looked at Viktor with a smiling face, saying, "Viktor, Old Zoran asked me to say hello to you."

"Zoran?" Viktor was taken aback, pushing Jayce hard. He pushed with all his might, but he only managed to push Jayce back a step. Then Viktor looked at Linwin excitedly. "You know Zoran? The Zoran from the Undercity?"

"You're from the Undercity?"

Jayce looked at Viktor and then at Linwin. "Are you like him?"

He only found out moments ago that Viktor was from the Undercity.

In fact, before today, he didn't know Viktor at all.

But now, he felt grateful to Viktor.

Viktor was right; hextech technology could change the world. His hextech could change the world, so he had no reason to listen to others. Most people in this world were fools, and fools would only keep the world stagnant. So, he should believe in himself and boldly invent hextech technology!

"You really seem to have forgotten me, but I still remember you, Big brother Viktor."

"But I... I'm sorry, I really don't remember much about you," Viktor said apologetically, supporting himself with his crutch.

Linwin nodded in his heart.

Not remembering was the right thing.

When he first saw him, he didn't know this skinny man would be Viktor. In addition, Viktor didn't live in the back ally; he lived in the middle layer of Zaun. His family background was considered decent—though not wealthy, it was enough to keep Viktor from being like the children in the lanes, resorting to stealing or violence.

In addition, after Linwin was taken in by Old Zoran, Viktor left the lanes a few days later.

Viktor and Old Zoran studied technology for a while, focusing on repair-related knowledge such as making toys and fixing them.

Viktor was a genius. It only took him a few weeks to absorb all of Old Zoran's knowledge accumulated over half a lifetime. After that, he left Zoran and returned to the middle layer of Zaun. Subsequently, Viktor made his way to Piltover and became an assistant at the Academy.

Linwin knew about Viktor's past as that young man. It wasn't until one day when Linwin was learning too slowly, and Old Zoran criticized him, considering Linwin a idiot, that Old Zoran used Viktor as an example. When Linwin heard the name Viktor from Zoran's mouth, he was truly stunned.

That young man who had been standing in front of the door, holding a cane and wearing a gentle smile, turned out to be the future mad scientist of Zaun, feared by the people of Piltover?

That was a real plot twist!

Well, in any case, Linwin was quite happy looking at Viktor now.

He was from Zaun.

As for Jayce...

Jayce and Viktor... the two were close friends, but they later had a falling out over something, leading to a heated argument and a deep-seated enmity.

"Wait... I think I remember now."

"You're the boy adopted by Zoran!" Viktor looked at Linwin's black hair, suddenly recalling.

"You've grown up so much?" Viktor said in surprise.

"Yup, it's me," Linwin grinned at Viktor.

"Are you here specifically to find me?"

Linwin hesitated, suddenly feeling a bit guilty. He had initially planned to steal something but didn't anticipate encountering Jayce contemplating suicide, and then Viktor preventing it.

When Viktor mentioned his name to Jayce, a plan formed in Linwin's mind.

Steal research?

No... stealing a talent was obviously more important! Bringing Viktor back to Zaun and having him research Hex crystals with Ekko was crucial. Did he really need Jayce's research for that?

Linwin had no doubt that Viktor, regarded as a destined rival by Jayce, was equally talented.


"I appreciate you coming to find me. However, now is not the time. Jayce and I have something to do. By the way, what's your name?" Viktor said softly.


"What do we need to do?" Jayce was puzzled.

Viktor looked at Jayce and fell silent.

Seeing Jayce genuinely didn't know, Viktor said helplessly, "Don't you want to develop your Hextech technology?"

"Ah, right!" Jayce clapped his hands, but then with a dejected face, he said, "But my experimental equipment was confiscated by Professor Heimerdinger. Without them, I can't... and they'll destroy those things tomorrow."

Viktor coughed. "I have a way."

"You have a way?"

"As an assistant with a professor's key, I think this shouldn't be too much of a rebellion," Viktor said, taking out a bunch of keys from behind, and there were a lot of them.

Jayce's eyes lit up. He immediately knew what Viktor was planning.

He didn't expect it. This person who looked scholarly and bookish would also do such rebellious things?

Viktor didn't quite match his appearance.

"Linwin, do you want to join us?" Viktor looked at Linwin and asked.

Linwin was taken aback for a moment, then vigorously nodded. "That would be the best!"

He had been wanting an excuse to follow Viktor. Jayce could wait for now. Viktor had to be brought back to Zaun, Linwin was very clear about that. Viktor's philosophy was more suitable for Zaun. As for Jayce... in the end, Mr. Talis, although a kind person, was a native of Piltover.

He was naturally repelled by Zaun.

"Jayce, what do you think?" Viktor looked at Jayce again.

"I have no objections... but Viktor, are you sure about letting an outsider into the academy?" Jayce frowned.

He wasn't targeting Linwin, considering Linwin had saved him earlier. He was just concerned that Linwin wasn't a student of the academy; his situation was different from theirs. Linwin was still a Zaunite, and if caught, he might end up in jail.

However, Viktor suddenly smiled.

He patted Jayce's shoulder and said, "As for that part, aren't you an outsider too?"

Jayce: "..."


I was expelled from the academy this afternoon....