Orion awakens in Runeterra, thrust into the events of Arcane's timeline. Will his presence bring salvation or disaster? Read for yourself to see what chaos is left in his wake! ### A/N: Undecided direction on how this will go, how dark it might get, romance, etc. Never wrote before, just throwing stuff down. ### https://discord.gg/WAX2D4jXZt
BANG! The door slams open, and Vi storms down the stairs. "Hey everyone, meet the new team member!" Her voice dripped with fake enthusiasm and excitement, a sarcastic wave at Orion before flopping dramatically into the armchair.
Orion glanced at the two boys sitting on the sofa nearest to the door. Claggor, hunched over, watching Powder draw on the table opposite of him, sat up with cautious curiosity. Mylo was lounged back, legs crossed, practicing with his lockpicking kit.
He uncrossed his legs at this unwelcome newcomer, planting one foot on the floor, ready to jump if needed. His eyes glancing back and forth between Vi and Orion. "Charity case, or did you mess up?"
Powder giggled, still drawing as she helps stir trouble, "She messed up!"
"I didn't mess up!" Vi glares at Mylo, refusing to direct any frustration toward Powder. Claggor, ever the mediator, spoke up. "What's your name?"
"Orion. Yours?" Orion replied politely.
"I'm Claggor. This is Mylo, and Powder," he said, gesturing with his head. A dismissive response came from Mylo who was lounging again, "You mean Jinx."
"Not now, Mylo... Anyway, how did you and Vi meet?" Claggor, stepping in as the most mature handling of the situation, defended Jinx subtly whose lips curled down slightly as she tried to hide her feelings. Vi glared at Mylo who seemed oblivious as he went back to fidgeting with his locks.
"Well, I was enjoying my meal~" Orion recalls the brief trip to them. Toward the end he decides to alter the story a bit. "~and Vi here beat most of the thugs up! You should've seen her knocking out the thugs twice her size!"
He played up the situation, mimicking her uppercut and hooks, making it seem like Vi was the sole champion. She didn't even try to contest it, a boastful smirk planted on her face.
Jinx had stopped drawing, bouncing with excitement, and wide eyes sparkling! Claggor and Mylo exchanged amused smirks.
"That's our Vi- beating up half the Undercity!" Mylo quipped, twirling his lockpick. "But what's a Sump Rat doing in the middle lanes? Aren't you supposed to be, I don't know, rolling in sewage?"
Of course, Mylo had to say too much, but before the others could jump on him, Orion spoke up, "Should been, but that's not the case anymore. Aren't we in the same boat?" His gaze deliberately moved between the soles of Mylo's shoes and the side of Claggor's goggles, which bore the Hope House Orphanage insignia.
Silence stretched for a moment, giving Orion the chance to look around the room. It was a mirror of the Arcane show: two sofas facing the table, an armchair closest to the door, and a barrel farthest in the room with a record player perched on top. Behind the sofa was the Last Drop's boiler, a major entry pipe and numerous small ones branching out.
On the far side of the room were Vi and Jinx's bunk-bed. The bottom could be easily identified to Jinx with the many wild and childish sketches, along with her signature non-functioning explosives, decorated with various faces and colors.
Vi's bunk, in contrast, matched her original name, Violet, much more. It had purple bedding and matching blanket, posters of fighters, and what looked like a seductive rock or punk-rock singer. There was even a saxophone? Orion didn't take her for much of a music enthusiast, but maybe things would've been different if events hadn't unfolded the way they did.
It was Powder's childish curiosity that broke the silence. She leaned toward Orion, her big eyes sparkling. "So what made you help Vi?"
Mylo snorted and interjected, "He was probably trying to impress her."
"Shut up, Mylo!" Vi snapped, glaring at him again "Not everything's about you."
Powder stuck her tongue out at Mylo before bouncing up. Her bouncy energy continued, grabbing Orion's hand and tugging him over to the couch. "Hey, take a look at this!"
The mood lightened as Vi and Mylo continued their bickering. Orion couldn't help but smile, praising Powder's sketches as her enthusiasm swept him in. Claggor drifted in and out of the conversation, glancing over at Powder proudly showing off her work. Despite the rough edges, the room felt like a small bubble of comfort once again.
Roughly an hour passed before Vander came around back. He paused in the doorway, watching the kids have fun. A smile crept across his face as he held a warm bowl of stew with a few chunks of meat in it, and some fresh bread.
The kids were being their usual selves, bickering and laughing. Vander's eyes drifted to Orion and Powder, seated side by side. Powder was drawing a sketch of Mylo when Orion, with a mischievous grin, added a pair of oversized fangs to it. Powder laughed loudly, quickly infecting Vi and Claggor who couldn't resist joining in.
Mylo, however, could only sit there as a frustrated victim. "The hell?!" He threw his hands over his head before Vander walked in.
"You lot seem to be getting along nicely!" he said, his voice warm as he handed the bowl to Orion. "Here you go lad."
Orion's eyes widened. His memories served him with the few times he was able to try meat, stomach growling in anticipation. Immediately he digs in with his fingers. Delicious, but gone too fast. Orion savored every bite while the others watched him eat as if witnessing a spectacle, their silent amusement setting the mood. When he placed the empty bowl down with a satisfied sigh, and Vander began to speak.
"Now that things are settled, I suppose it's time to discuss the job." He spoke in a business tone, motioning Vi out of the armchair. She squeezed in next to him, but her focus unwavering as he continued.
"Old Huck is trying to set up shop on Bridgewaltz street." Vander began. "It's just down the road, but recently a rival surfaced. He's stealing Huck's business, setting up some fancy advertisements too. Normally I wouldn't get involved in this sort of thing, but Huck is a good friend. We go way back." Vander leaned back for a moment, his eyes lost in distant memories before concluding.
"If you kids could do what you do best, Huck might throw a few silvers your way."
"We can do it." Vi said, her serious determination infecting the others who nodded in unison.
"Great! You'll start tomorrow after collecting some shut-eye and supplies." Vander nodded, a slight smile appearing because of her leadership. "Orion, lad, today's your lucky day. If you want, you can sleep on the floor with the other lads. It's getting late, after all."
True, Orion thought. Waking up late after experimenting with magic, the rest of the day had been spent walking through Entresol and bonding with the gang.
"I'd greatly appreciate it!" Orion replied gratefully. Vander nodded and walked out, leaving the room to settle. The atmosphere shifted instantly as the kids basked in what felt like a big victory, their excitement buzzing for the next big adventure!
Snoring. Loud, incessant snoring into the dead of night. The lads' room was across from the girls', with the bathroom next door. They had laid out some blankets and pillow for him to sleep on, and he was definitely grateful. But why the herd of elephants? Orion grumbled internally.
He sighed, shifting uncomfortably on the blankets that acted as cushion between him and the floor. Not as bad as concrete, he thought. Better than nothing.
Unable to find sleep, an idea struck Orion. Practicing the magic could knock him out! Magic for science? No, magic for sleep. He chuckled softly at the thought, thinking back to his earlier experience.
He recalled how rare it was for a mage to appear in a land with so little magic. Magic flowed like rivers through Runeterra, pooling into areas where it was cultivated and used. Ionia was the perfect example- an abundance of mages and magical creatures. Here in Piltover, however, it was a completely different story. You would be hard pressed, theoretically, to find a true mage.
From his one attempt, he'd learned that magic needed an outlet to be used. He could probably circulate it continuously, but storing it would be difficult, maybe even impossible due to its nature. Orion needed to get used to circulating it first. Baby steps, like learning the basic footwork and stance to boxing.
Orion closed his eyes and reached out again to visualize the countless rivers flowing in harmony, twisting together like living rope. Plucking one out, like thread from fabric, it felt a little easier than last time. It also felt that in the far-far distance there were more rivers he couldn't reach.
He focused on the current and guided it through his body. Through his arms, legs, and heart, it felt tranquil. A faint drizzle of magic escaped through his raised palm. Orion's curiosity opened his eyes. He could see a faint blue light flickering in the center of his palm, it was enough to make his heart race with excitement.
This isn't enough, he thought, disappointed. The others were sleeping, so driven by curiosity he decided to experiment a bit more by channeling more of the current. Slowly, the soft light grew into a soft glowing, blue archaic orb, pulsing faintly in his hand. Orion's eyes widened in awe as he stared at his creation, his heart pounding. Mana...
Satisfied, he decided to bring it to a close, he stopped drawing on the current and pushed the remaining energy into the orb. Despite the grandeur appearance, the orb burst weakly, a faint shimmer dissipating into the air. Compared to the first time, he couldn't feel the same force behind it.
Nevertheless, Orion smiled happily. He felt accomplished, moments before his consciousness faded.
Powder stumbled out of the bathroom in the middle of the night, her vision blurred from sleep. Nothing unusual- just the same old routine. She yawned, rubbing her eyes as she made her way toward her door.
When she was reaching for the knob, a faint blue shimmer flickered and faded under the boys' door.
She froze, blinking, was she imagining it? She waited, staring at the crack beneath the door, but the light didn't return. With a slight shrug, she dismissed it. Maybe she was just seeing things. The new kid and tomorrow's job had her too excited, that was all. Powder closed the door behind her, ready for the new day to come.