
Arcane - Building Mechs in Piltover

Fan translation/localization of book.qidian.com/info/1032701573/ The translation has been paused indefinitely, please go support the original author if possible. Currently, the original novel ended with 561 chapters on QD. Lilin was reincarnated to Piltover on the Valoran Continent. He originally thought that his life would be mundane, until he became a working man of the Kiramman family, but he found that he actually had the [Mechanic] system. . In this magical world of war and strife, Lilin, who knows the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with the little inventions such as bicycles, mechanical watches, and generators that brought him fame and countless wealth. In order to deal with the future crisis in Runeterra, he knows very well what he must do! Starting with simple exoskeleton, to "Iron Man"-like armor; From steam robots to Cybernetic mechas that can deal with world crises; Through the study of astral and rune magic, his invention is enough to dominate the world! However, Lilin, who has such power, when facing the conference of united countries that form the League of Legends: "My wish ... is world peace."

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Outside the distillery, the trio used the lights on Lilin's power armor to navigate the pitch-dark area.

Lilin is too conspicuous and loud, so Caitlyn planned to have Lilin stay outside, while she and Jayce sneaked in to investigate.

But to her surprise, before they even stepped into the gates of the factory, there was a loud explosion inside.

The three of them looked at each other and went straight for the source of the sound.

There were several intermittent bursts of explosions, and then everything calmed down.

"Lilin, Jayce, hurry up!"

Realizing that the battle was probably over, Caitlyn couldn't help feeling nervous, and ahead of the two.

"Slow down, Kate." Lilin felt helpless, "It's dangerous to rush in so rashly..."

"Yeah, obviously there are forces that we don't know about here, we have to be careful, we shouldn't be so ostentatious." Jayce also persuaded a little panting.

"I know! ...But my parents..."

Caitlyn didn't know what to think and stopped abruptly in her sentence, and slowed down.

"The riot in the upper city, it must be the Gray Lady in combat," She quickly analyzed.

Jayce glanced at the hammer in his hand, then glanced at the power armor on Lilin.

"…The Ferros..."

You weren't afraid of studying the hex crystals earlier, Jayce.

Lilin rolled his eyes, " Even if Camille came, she would come for me, right? I was the one who invented the hex energy crystal after all."

"Screw off, I gave you such great ideas before, now you want to take all the credit for yourself."

The tension was relieved, Jayce laughed and scolded.

Caitlyn looked back at them and gave them a stink eye, "Enough chitchat you two."

She pointed to the side of the branching corridor ahead, "Do you feel anything?"

"Feel what?"

"What about you, Lilin?"

Lilin raised his eyebrows lightly, "a slightly sour taste of metal in my mouth..."

Caitlyn's eyes showed approval, "That's right!"

She first pointed to the corridor they had just walked in and turned back, and then pointed to another fork in the road.

"When we came in here just now, I had a strong rancid taste in my mouth. I didn't pay much attention to it at first thinking it was just this area of Zaun.

"But when I passed this side, the taste in my mouth suddenly faded a lot. "

"When we came back to this fork, the taste reappeared, and then I just walked along this corridor, and the taste in my mouth became even stronger..."

Caitlyn stopped talking here, and she believed that Lilin and Jayce could understand what she wanted to express.

"Now that you said it... Indeed, it appears to be that way."

"But the problem is, I often had the taste of rancid metal inexplicably before? It's just not as strong as it is now."

"…and I also had this feeling when I studied the hex crystals before!"

Speaking of this, Jayce's eyes lit up immediately, and he reflected, "Could it be that the hex energy is the cause?"

Through the details in this regard, Caitlyn was even more sure that the explosions just now was The Gray Lady.

After a brief exchange, the three of them followed the directions and continued walking toward the depths of the building.

Not long after, under Lilin's light, they quickly found a woman lying in a pool of blood.

Caitlyn's complexion changed, and she trotted over and squatted down on one knee, and saw her eyes and the wound on her neck where the blood gushed out.

"A Shuriman, the fatal wound was a precise cut to the neck... a clean cut..."

She reached out and touched the woman's body. There was still warmth on the surface of the skin, which proved that she had died moments ago.

Afterward, she checked the metal claw and Chemtech augments and noticed the green spots in the woman's tarnished eyes.

"The green spots in her eyes are the same color as the liquid in the chemical vials, which proves that she used the alchemy potions before she died.

"With the current information, first of all, it is confirmed that this person fought The Gray Lady, fruitlessly.

"Secondly, this is most likely the one who kidnapped my parents."

Caitlyn stood up, then checked the traces of the surrounding battles, lost in thought:

"She would definitely hide in a location where she has a good surveillance angle."

"Ferros strives for stability in the uppercity. It is very likely that she will try to negotiate her life using my parents, so…"

She looked towards the other side room and started moving, "Let's leave the body here and find my parents first."

After a while, Caitlyn realized there were no footsteps behind her, and looked back to see that Lilin and Jayce seemed to be still in place in a daze.

"Come here you nincompoops, let's look here first!"