
your, Luckiest person to be Under the protection of great courageous aranyani!

Aranyani was terrified seeing the murderous look in eco's eyes...........

Eco simply stretched his body, all stalks of banyan tree were broken easily........

Aranyani was breathless and simply closed her eyes waiting for his attack..........

She slowly opened one eye and saw eco with dagger in his hands...........

aranyani was shocked and her mind went blank within the blink of an eye the dagger was thrown towards her but has passed far away from her ........

Aranyani turned her head and saw where the dagger reached........

she was utterly shocked seeing a wolf ,hurt by the dagger.........

Aranyani was never got attacked by wolves, they were only trouble to the sheeps in her home ,they were cunning and had wild thoughts and speech ..........

she never liked them,but they never harmed her in the forest where she dwelled previously..........

Eco saw many wolves approaching them.............