
Unpassionate,lustless,innocence and ,curiosity filled first kiss♡♡♡

Sweetheart, listen to mother ,go to rosely courtyard, i will see you soon,don't worry regarding me ,iam really fine ..........

Mother,how could you say that,this giantic beasty monster dragged you harshly, see your lips are swollen ,he hurt your lips mother,let me apply honey to it and how is you waist ,i have some herbal leaves with me ,i will apply to your waist ,is it painful mother,does your hand hurt mother?just how could he hild your hands tightly............

queen Olivia was embarrassed, she felt like digging a hole in the ground and hide in it,never in her life she felt this awkward ...........


Leave now immediately.........

Aranyani saw Olivia mother,she looked very diffrent it was definitely not anger,her mother too shout at her in anger but this was very very diffrent ,she thought better to leave and ask beasty monster about it........