
snowy's Grand entry.

Aranyani started to think of a way to get all her answers, seeing her family back she totally forgot about the trick she thought of to get answers from eco........

She suddenly realized her goal, she thought of acting immediately but realized that the surroundings and the timing is not at all suitable now.....

Even if she act it may not go with the flow and monster may catch up her act......

On top of it, just now she scolded that beasty monster a lot........

so she need to plan her act to play any other time.....

aranyani was deep in her thought when eco interrupted her.....

He said,the lunch is ready let's all move to our home.......

Aranyani felt warmth in her heart listening to beasty monster, mentioning home and addressing every one to move.......

Humpty gradually understood what eco said and went near to aranyani saying to climb on her...........