
Secret spy in grenville dyansty......

Aranyani waited and waited supressing her sleep but eco was no where to be seen, it's been mid night ,even though it's hard to supress her sleep due to her pregnancy she really wanted to have a good chat with eco as she really missed him dearly and enthusiastically waiting to see what he brings her for midnight snack.........

On the other side, eco got a clue that there is a spy of yash dyansty in there army who had sent many information on grenville dynasty such as soildeirs in number, there arms and ammunitions, count of horses there war strategies and so on........

Yes, if enemy know the details on count of soildeirs it's very hard to win against the enemy as he will increase there army tenfold just to win the war and its very risky ........

Eco had a headache regarding it, he found out the spy ans he is been tortured to t know the plans of enemy. but he didn't daid a single worf till bow and it's already midnight........