
New bride entry rituals at Greenville dynasty.......

Eco took aranyani to palanquin and he climbed on snowy,humpty and dumpty stood left and right to the palanquin ............

Mother iris who was waiting for aranyani in the palanquin was stunned seeing aranyani.........

Oh my my, who is this beautiful woman,i had never seen any bride this beautiful, not bad my son in law didn't disappointed me........

Mother, i missed you.......

But, why i can't feel it that you missed me, not a single letter came to me from you this three days, rather i got letters from my son in law.......

Aranyani felt troubled, than she saw her father beside the palnquin who was seeing her with shining eyes ........

Aranyani soon called him with a love filled tone......


my babygirl iam here.....

Father, mother started bullying me......

Ru, my darling even my mother -in-law didn't got any letter from you back than.......

All blame goes to you.....

Did you gave me any free time back than making me all occupied......