
Lock and cherish this priceless precious treasure of mine......

Aranyani slowed opened her eyes she was in daze for a moment she forget that she was in the beautiful flower house after some time she realized the fact and saw at herself and blushed of thinking of eco deeds and words........

She wondered that does his love had a natural anesthesia that make her sleepy and she sleeps so well and soundly..........

She sat on the bed and her eyes caught the attention on a small yellow colour paper on the table near by the bed......

She grabbed it and the note said......

Hey beutiful!!!!

freshen up and meet me for lunch........

Aranyani smiled and went to hot spring to bath, eco arranged her clothes neatly so she wore the dark green dress and went to have lunch........

Eco was just placing the bowls on the table.....

seeing aranyani he again lost in her beauty and stood still with burning gaze.......

This time aranyani didn't felt like running away or unable to face eco, infact she was happy seeing him lost in her.......