
Humpty jealous over blacky.

pluffy was shock seeing all the events taking place ,he never saw eco being this gentle and speaking this many words in a day................

It was also shocked seeing new angle of aranyani,she was so dominating before eco,whole dynasty know how people doesn't dare to take deep breath seeing eco ,but aranyani was daring enough to dominate him......

Pluffy laughed out a loud ,when aranyani got defeated and made a silly reason of her attack..........

Aranyani didn't talk to her four daring and dashing darlings and said to humpty......

Hey humpty,I don't want this four to follow me,say to them to go away from me.......

Four daring darlings were terrified seeing aranyani's anger they ran toward aranyani as fast as they could and jumped on her which made her to lay on the ground ,than they started nustling her,making her feel ticklish all over her body,and roaring low and weakly saying sorry to her,and started showing their lovely cute behaviour......