
His smile as bright as sunlight ,his hug as warm as moonlight.......

It's been one month eco was away from aranyani...........

Aranyani missed him a lot, but she knows wel that with great power comes great responsibilities...........

so she always says all good deeds eco did to her kids and share the incidents of his bravery to her kids whenever she misses him a lot........

As if the kids in her stomach knows the mood of her mother the food cravings too lessen in this period of time, as if obeying there father words they are really obedient making no huge movements which cause aranyani feel uncomfortable...........

Aranyani knows that she can't be sad as it will effect the children so she always cherishes past and try her best to be happy inspite of missing eco like hell.......

But only her heart knows how much she is craving for eco's presence ,his melodious voice, his love dripping magical blue eyes,his smile as bright as a sunlight , his hug as warm as moonlight..........