
Healer wong and his grand daughter Zywie......

After the talk,there came an old man ,nearly in his fifties, he had white hair,he had wrinkles in the corner of his eyes , he wore white robes and he looked very gentle ,even the aura around him gave a great peace to the people who watch him............

He saw eco grenville in cave and bowed to him humbly.............

Greetings to prince eco.........

May prince be blessed with thousand of thousand of years of good health............

Arise ,said eco ..............

The old man was Healer wong ,a great royal physician of greenville dynasty who left years ago to his birth place where he did experiments with medicine plants and was enlarging his wisdom on ancient medicinal palnts which were rare and magical and was growing them with so much care.......................

To inform the great prince about the woman condition ,she is healing slowly..............