
He is born to kill people for power.........

Before eco had break the kiss he heard the roar of elowen who went to instruct his soildies who would paddle the ship in lower floor where aranyani was in the second floor waiting for eco previously....

You bastard, how dare you touch my fairy, i will kill you this instant, saying this he rushed towards eco...........

Elowen still didn't had any idea that the person lying on his fairy was the prince eco of grenville dynasty.......

When eco stood up, elowen was utterly shocked and his face paled seeing eco.........

Eco personality soon changed into icy prince mode, his eyes were filled with ferocious killing intent, his body was filled with aura of asura.........

The reason for his despair, the reason for the tears of humpty, the reason for the cold war between him and iris ru, the reason for all the worries of his loved ones is the one who is infront of him, and sadly he was his cousin brother........