
extra ordinary journey for aranyani to discover her inner woman.

Eco and aranyani finished breakfast soon and the breakfast was joyful and heartwarming.........

Aranyani again kissed on mother olivia cheeks and said,mother olivia ,take care ,i will be soon back,love you byeee..........

okay sweetheart, you too take care, and come back soon, i will be waiting , said mother olivia happily grinning all over heartily.........

She folded her hands and saw eco domineeringly with a look that says that you need to repeat the same..........

Eco felt embarrassed and shy, this time he didn't gave any chance to aranyani to speak and dragged aranyani holding he hand and moved out of the dining hall...........

Mother Olivia was so happy and hugged king oliver and said, your majesty iam so so happy today, my precious son greeted me ho god, he gave a kiss on my cheeks , its unbelievable.............