
Every right to enjoy her own womenhood.

eco grenville carried aranyani to her room and called medical head lady to check on her......

Humpty was trumpeting non stop inside the room, making it hard for medical head lady ,who was a about 40 years old to check aranyani's condition........

Eco grenville just glared at humpty giving a warning ,not to disturb , it stopped trumpeting as soon as it met the eyes of eco, it understood the intentions of eco clearly and started observing the medical head lady keenly........

She made a bowl of medicine and suggested to feed her ,she said that she was frightened terribly, that was the cause of her unconsciousness...........

eco carefully feed her the medical portion into her mouth by spoon, closing her nose so that she can gulp the medicine......

Humpty sat in front of aranyani, not moving an inch ........

eco grenville saw aranyani lying on the bed, his thoughts wander all over to the forest.......