
elowen encourging aranyani to express her love to eco..........

After lot of coaxing finally humpty gave aranyani freedom to move .........

After that aranyani wanted to meet eco but she was struggling innerly she was feeling vexed and was in dilemma from one side her heart was jumping and making her eager to go and meet eco on another side her mind said that she can't face eco as she was feeling extremely shy........

Under the struggle of heart and brain atlast brain won and aranyani decided to see elowen rather than visiting eco.........

When Aranyani went to elowen he was lying on the bed with eyes wide open deep in some thoughts.........

Aranyani went near and coughed lightly to make him aware of her presence.......

elowen smiled brightly seeing her ........

My cute white fairy!!!

Wolfy is it very painful? asked aranyani with sad face........