
Eco grenville 18th birthday celebrations.....

Grenville dynasty was the most powerful dynasty among all the neighbourhood dynasties, Oliver grenville was deadly dangerous in wars and no one ever dares to have wars with such dynasty......

Eco grenville ,under strict teaching did excellence in archery, sword fighting,lip reading,sensitive to sounds, .......

On top of it he was very intelligent and use to identify a person whether they are lying or saying truth, he helped his father in solving many problems in deciding who is wrong in many court sessions and his logics were obeyed by all.......

Eco grenville had a kind of face that stopped anyone in tracks,flawless skin,bone structure fine and perfect, firm chest and abdomen, his eyes were a mesmerizing deep ocean blue flecks of silvery light performed ballets throughout.His face was strong and defined, his features molded from granites he has dark eyebrows which sloped downward in a serious expression.He has strong hands slightly rough from working,prominent cheek bones, he has raven black hair thick and lustrous and a thin pair of lips......

He was strikingly handsome, smart self-centered and charismatic.His appearance alone was seductive and the man's rugged features were alluring.........

One look and both women and men swooned at the sight of him no matter their sexual preferences and one word passed from his lips had even straightest of men flushing red that no one ever knew was naturally possible........

Eco grenville was cold and aloof but inside he was beautiful and loved nature like crazy......

How it will be if he come across a girl who is loved by nature like crazy well that day will be coming soon in his life.......

At presen..........

eco grenville turned 18 years old.....

Whole greenville people were happy as its was eco grenville birthday Oliver grenville had announced a grand party for his son's birthday......

Many dynasties were invited and main purpose of the party was Oliver wanted his son to have a lovely wife......

Well eco grenville was unaware of this he hated parties the most as all people watch him like they will eat him anytime it was not at all his fault, all the fault is his handsomeness......

Eco grenville was getting ready and pluffy was watching him enjoying his beauty, eco talks his inner feeling with none other than pluffy......

'Well pluffy why my dad is throwing a grand party and even he is inviting many dynasties I think something is wrong I never saw dad like this'........

'I clearly said that I don't want to celebrate by birthday inspite of all my resistance he planned my birthday party iam little suspicious'..........

In acceptance pluffy chirps and moves his tail continuously......

well well let's see what's coming pluffy,eco voice was silvery and anyone will be into his hypnotism and act according to it......

He use his gentle tone only to 5 people in the world that is his one and only live saviour pluffy, and his white horse snowy,his mother and his little sister and to his father......

He loved his family and care about them a lot his all time companion was pluffy who understand him more than his mother......

Hey reader please comment on this chapter as it's my first time describing male looks it helps me in improving writing.......