
Do you trust me???

Aranyani directly saw into eco's eye, without any fear within her she said, iam strong, really strong please say me what happened at my home and to my mother.............

Eco saw aranyani's crystal clear eyes, she didn't have any fear, she was clearly showing through her eyes ,how strong she is........

There was a different aura around her, which made her completely different from the one whom he met in the forest..........

Eco too saw straightly into her eyes and asked, "Do you trust me"???...............

Aranyani was utterly shocked by his question,she revised all the incident she had with eco.......

The very first interaction with eco was sword fighting, by that she can say, he was capable of defeating her, he would have killed her , he had very good chances of victory, as she was weak at that time, but he just distracted her with such a silly trick.........