
Dillon's encounter with aranyani...

After having breakfast ,aranyani went out to have a peaceful walk to enjoy the nature,humpty and four daring darlings also followed her every where she moved.........

Far away she saw a man,he was similar to beasty monster,she wanted to verify few things ,as well as test her four daring darlings too.........

she thought of an idea and said something to humpty in her ears.........

Humpty trumped happily agreeing to what aranyani said.........

The man on the horse was dillon,a loyal and royal friend of eco..........

Humpty started her act,it laid on the ground and acted as if, it's in lot of pain,giving out painful trumpeting's..........

Dillon who was on his cream colour horse, notified humpty ,he was in the territory of eco ,his guard was not on,so he immediately got off the horse and went near to the humpty..........