
Devil for devil,kind for kind ,it's my attitude please don't mind........

Eco pov

Seeing aranyani sleeping eco eyebrows frowned , she was not sleeping in a way she use to sleep, it felt like she was insecure, and littel frightened.............

He felt bad, he knows very well that this is the first time in her life she faced the cruelty of people , cruelty of selfish hearts, cruelty of human deed for their own selfish desires..........

He was determined to help her and unite her with her family........

Slowly eco holded aranyani head which was lying on his lap and took a pillow and placed under her head, in the process aranyani was disturbed and opened her eyes in daze, eco immediately tapped on her eyes gently for some time and she was asleep again...........

Eco breathed a sign of relief , he knows well if she gets up, it's very difficult to coax her to sleep.............

He tucked her the bedsheet and sat there seeing her , his thoughts wandering on how to expose the queen........