
Coco!!! I too have a father like you!!!????

Coco!!! i too have a father like you!!!???

How is that possible!!!???

If this is true than...than....

Than ,why did my mother never said me????

I thought i came differently,my grandmother and my mom bought me together to this world, so i was waiting for my mother to have kids,said aranyani fully suprised with anxiety filled tone......

Eco was awestruck by her way of thinking, he smiled slightly and said.........

Your little stupid brain was thinking in this way, no doubt that you didn't bombared me with your questions, i already said you that the process of making babies but still ,your little stupid brain thought in a very wrong way, aru listen carefully, the process of making babies is same all over the world,............

eco beat on aranyani's forhead lovingly ...........

your such a fool, said eco with little chuckle...............

Hoo, coco, leave this all, i wanna talk to my mother, lets go back,said aranyani ........