
Aria's envy......

After all the rituals, there was a feast for everyone........

Eco and aranyani were newly wed couple so they were seated in the middle of the giant dining table with only family members accompanying them.........

As per ritual first bite for bride will be feed by bridegroom and bridegroom first bite will be feed by bride.......

Under everyone's gaze, eco natural took aranyani's favourite desert as she is fond of deserts and feed her........

Many brideZ's turn red in shyness in such ritual but our aranyani had the bite without any shyness as she got habituated to his feeding this three days, and when they use to meet secretly in forest eco use to bring many delicacies and use to feed her so aranyani didn't felt shy or awkward inspite of many eyes were gazing at them, she ate naturally and casually.......