
Aranyani wrong way of understanding things.

Aranyani POV (point of view)

So ,this is how it work here.......

If it the same everywhere than why does mom iris have a husband..............

why i don't have a father like king Oliver grenville............

What my mom said may be correct too........

As i didn't found any resemblances to mine and our home don't habituated any man too, so there is no need of such rituals i guess.........

As per region it may differ.........

The procedure of having babies is diffrent at my home i guess.........

my mother may have grown up like me...........

She may have given birth to me like what she explained me about mating.......

If what mom iris said is true than where is my grand mother...........

she said me that man are monsters and poisnous and deadly but i didn't find dillon or king or beasty poisonous or deadly, and that dangerous how mom described. .........

If that's true than how can mom can leave me under beasty's responsibility..........