
Aranyani signal to greenow

Listening to elowen about arushi and eco mating and kids aranyani's bloood boiled she was very very angry, she thought of the shameless queen who had fancy her father and than planned dirty things to make hwr mother and father misunderstand each other and hwr daughter followed the same route to get eco whom she fancied she felt very pity for her coco and she hated this elowen guy more and more making her coco suffer ...........

She got up and went out to see exactly where she was...........

she was on the hill in a beautiful cottage hut, qhen she stood on the balcony of her room she can see a sea very beautiful blue sea and cold sea breeze was teasing her hair and making her mind and heart to cool down..........

she went out of the room and walk towards the sea to play with the waves and suddenly she got the memory of coco who took the thorn from from

her legs where he touched her feetand carressed her leg palm and thebfeeling she got ..........