
Aranyani overwhelmed with the news of her pregnency......

Eco touched the space where his aru had kissed just a second before and smiled heartily, he didn't thought that it would be this easy to coax her and get her forgiveness........

Aranyani came to ru palace running, when irir ru saw this she became tense and worried and from that came her angry roar.........

You child, when will you grow up,i said no running but you never listen to me ,eh roared iris ru seeing aranyani panting........

There was rocher ru near iris ru, his face expressions were full of worry seeing his babygirl panting and how she is out of breath due to running.......

Aranyani was shocked especially seeing his father expression ........

mother, father i am sorry i won't run anymore again ,said aranyani lovingly..........

Eco who ran faster had already reached ru dyansty and had witness the worrisome parents scolding his aru.........

He was about to say, that the fault is his, but rocher ru went to aranyani and said......