
Aranyani experiencing the first foriegn feelings for the very first time.

Aranyani got more angry listening to his words ,she turned around and gazed at him seriously and yelled at him, i won't ask you anymore questions, you pissed me off,now get lost don't follow me anymore..........

Ahhh!!! Aru it hurts really it hurts a lot darling, don't speak so harsh this littel heart can't take it, said eco keeping his palm on his heart with pityful expression............

Go to hell, you deserve such pain, said aranyani without showing any pity........

Ouch!!!, hissed aranyani and sat on the on the beach sand immediately holding her leg with painful expression on her face.........

Seeing it, eco ran anxiously and sat opposite to her and saw a big sharp thorn stucked into her heel of the foot........

Eco heart ached seeing it.........