
Aranyani a walking corspe

It's been ten days......

All the warriors had been healed.......

Only eco was in coma........

They all left war grounds ..........

Eco was carried to Greenville dynasty........

Medical head gong analyzed the reason foe for delay of eco consciousness is........

He had taken a great amount of poison compared to the warriors and fought with great willpower till the end enduring it effects till his last limit so it takes time to heal.........

Aranyani heart was like an ant on the hot pan.......

Everyone was worried of eco but they all were more worried of aranyani's condition seeing her lost appetite, sleepless eyes, haggard face and spirtless soul.........

As the delivery date was approaching near and near, but aranyani condition showed the signs of depression........

sometimes she seems be so lost sitting with eco that she started skipping her food.......

Inspite of continious reminders from all she often use to forget everything......