
Aranyani 's birth

After Two years of eco birth ............

one woman who seems to be frightened was walking fastly she was too nervous and was always turning her head to see is anyone following her......

she didn't planned where to go......

Don't know where her steps were taking her....

one hand was on her belly she was almost 9 months pregnant.......

The pregnant woman was none other than iris and she was escaping from risco her husband.......

when she was walking it was drizzling.....

suddenly she had seen some soldiers searching for someone she got tense and hide beside a huge tree to observe the soldiers....

The soldiers belong to Ru dynasty iris Ru was the princess of Ru dynasty and Risco Ru was the prince of Ru dynasty......

Iris's heart was beating fastly as she has seen the soldiers......

she had a argument with Risco ru back and he was about to beat her but she escaped from it......

As for escaping she slightly moved to the left side ,There was a pillar behind her as she moved aside risco got knocked to a pillar which was behind her and his head started bleeding......

witnessing such situation she got tensed and run away from the palace......

she really felt like not returning to the place again ....

After the soldiers went away she breathed a sign of relief and continued her journey she walked aimlessly and witnessed a cart she slowly got into the cart.....

After a long while the cart had left the palace and reached the outskirts .......

The cart which she was hidden belongs to Ru palace and it was responsible to bring vegetables from farmers......

The cart was ride by Ru soldiers realizing this iris slowly got down at village outskirts and started to go inside a forest.....

very far from village there was a rain forest many villagers believe that the forest contains many creatures which were deadly danger and no one dare to visit such forest......

many wild creatures were present in the forest and which ever villager tried to harm the nature they use to end miserably.....

without knowing anything princess iris got inside the forest and suddenly she had pain, unbearable pain coming from her lower body.....

she realized that her labour pain has started but no one was there to help her .....

All night escaping from place and than coming into the forest she never realized that her labour may come anytime......

unable to bear the pain she lied on the grass and started yelling in pain.....

Hearing her voice one mother elephant who had recently given birth to the baby elephant rushed near to iris......

seeing the giant elephant iris got frightened and started shouting loudly shhhhh get away get away....

The elephant saw iris tenderly and want to help her ......

Due to fright iris got unconcious .........

In next movement all the angles of the nature appeared near to her and carried her to a beautiful cave.....

with there magic they made her delivery with ease.......

iris had given birth to a very beautiful girl ,seeing the girl even angles got mesmerized they placed the baby girl in flower basket ......

The baby girl normally should cry entering into the new world but our aranyani was different she gave a breathtaking smile .......

aranyani was looking like a bright sunflower smiling at the sun......

seeing her bright smile All the angles felt very happy and showered there blessings on aranyani and left the place.....

meanwhile iris got conciousness and seeing the flower basket beside her with beautiful girl in it she felt world riches happiness......

Happy tears were coming from iris eyes uncontrollably and aranyani was smiling at her mother lovingly.....

seeing her daughter she forget all the pain she suffered till now all the pains in her life just vanished from her heart ......

she determined in her heart that her daughter will not suffer like her and she will never ever will know any men in her life.....

she saw her daughter tenderly for long time than she realized where she was and than started observing her surrounding......

10 feet away to iris was the giant elephant with her baby elephant, knowing that iris will get frightened she sat there observing her and aranyani.....

Beside her was a tigress with 4 Cubs and they were drinking the milk from her mother......

seeing this scene iris didn't get frightened for some reason she felt like this tigress and elephant were iris and her daughter savior's..........

suddenly aranyani started crying due to hunger.......

mother iris tried to feed her milk but her breast milk was not coming.....

As from night to till noon she haven't had any food the milk was unavailable ......

iris started worrying as how to feed aranyani she was thinking of the ways.......

Mother iris was worried and with lot of struggle and went outside atleast to fetch some water for her daughter........

she went outside the cave and was surprised seeing a beautiful crystal clear lake near the cave .....

she hurriedly taken the giant leaves from the trees and folded it into a triangular shape and fetched the water into it......

As she entered into the cave she was flabbergasted seeing the scence infront of her....

The tigress present in the cave was standing across the basket where aranyani was lying and aranyani was having tigress milk while giggling......