
"It's lonely here i miss your light"!!!

Eco was far away from the palace and was in the hidden mountains of training, where the strong and skilled soildeirs been training in this grounds for so many years ,eco was looking after the progress of the soildeirs and their skills..........

Dillon and Oliver greenville were also in the tent in the same mountain , planning the strategies to the war..........

No one knows their training place and the special forces of the soildeirs being training here...............

The queen olivia grenville managed to fake that eco grenville and Oliver grenville were in the palace as to not reveal secrets for enemies all around the palace ,even her own daughter aria greenville didn't know about their whereabouts, even the royal servants daisy and crysynthe who go round abouts in the palace everyday,doesn't know about it,they all too think they are in the palace itself............