

Whatever it is. Can you believe this? Even at the end of the tunnel, there is a way, but it is not sure that it is the right one, and the future, be that as it may, in this life or the birth of a god? Or is it just our imagination playing with us? Or not?

SAzuraS · Fantaisie
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51 Chs

My love

How could I forget you? But I don't even have to worry about it anymore, now you're here with me. My dear one and only Love, life-giver of the only world of my eyes.

I would hug you all day long, but I'm not allowed yet, maybe I'm the only one so happy, but I was able to wait for you for years, even though many people have entered this castle to take my ex-wife's place, but my heart is only yours.

My curiosity is rampant, should I open up to you? How about? Would you bother me, then find me and apologize? How should I let you know that I'm only in love with you?

You arrived not long ago, but I already miss you, even though you are here in the next room, can I go over or rather later?

My forehead and hands are sweating, I'm going to go with you, I'm going to go to you, nothing is stopping me.

I stood in front of your door, taking huge breaths, almost in my nervousness and excitement, I became angry, I wanted to open your door out of anger, but I gathered strength, and then I started saying in a corner of my head, calm down, it will go away. Exhaling a lot of air, I began to breathe more and more slowly and evenly, I felt a little relieved. I'm going on.

I stop for a moment, what should I say to her? How could I stand there? What will be my first move or word? I want to kneel in front of her and hold her beautiful snow-white hands, which reach out just for me. Will it work? Anyway, it's too late to dwell on this, I have to go inside.

I entered the room, then the bright eyes of the woman sitting by the mirrors shone on me, and then my heart jumped out, is love a good thing?

Margaret: - Haaah, can't you knock?

Naofuda: - I'm sorry to disturb you. I'm going too.

Margaret: - Wait, stay here.

I sat down next to her, then stared with childish eyes at my future wife, the queen. As she pulls her hand away from her face, feelings run through me that make me want to kiss her and hold her in my arms all day long.

She puts the lipstick on her fabulously beautiful lips, then starts playing with her hair halfway through, her beautiful long flowing brown hair, sometimes she glances at me, but not as a stranger, but as someone she could live a life with.

It doesn't take much, really, just a little more and you'll be mine, only mine, forever and ever.

The woman hands me the comb.

Margaret: - Will you comb my hair?

As I look at the lady I would spend the rest of my life with, I said with a brave but confident voice and a huge smile on my face.

Naofuda: - Yes, dear...

After a while, I'm going to the door, I'd open it for Margaret too, but she just goes to the window and just stares out, what are you looking at with such great zest for life, with such power, what do you want? Why are you doing this to me? You can ask for anything, just say it, and I'll even get the stars for you.

Margaret: - The garden is fabulous.

I walk up to Margaret and take her right hand with one hand and her shoulder with the other.

Naofuda: - Would you like to watch it?

Margaret: - Very much so.

Naofuda: - Then let's go.

I am now walking out of the royal court with the only partner of my life, and then I spot an inappropriate person out of the corner of my eye.

Rito: - His Majesty! We have a nice day today, don't we?

Naofuda: - Get over it now, go somewhere else.

They walk past the clown as if there was only air there.

Rito: - That was very jerky... I was just kidding.

Margaret: - Do you feel it too?

Naofuda: - What?

Just in the garden, standing on the fresh green reins and in front of the rose garden, Margaret took off her shoes, then stepped onto the grass and smiled at Naofuda.

Margaret: - The soil, you fool, take off your shoes too.

How could I say no to her? All I have to do is see her smile and my heart softens, my heart that has been beating for only one woman for 10 years.

Naofuda: - You're not even a queen, but you already command a king? Shameless.

Margaret: - What kind of king is he who walks in the grass without shoes?

Naofuda: - Oh, you...

We both start laughing out loud.

Mizeya was just going that way and saw Margaret and the king, although Margaret looked back at Mizeya rather suspiciously.

Naofuda: - Mizeya! Is everything okay with Aika?

The boy went to the king.

Mizeya: - Good morning your majesty and?

But you already know my name, can't you say it yet? Oh, I see. Margaret thought to herself.

Margaret: - Just call me Margaret.

Mizeya: - So from now on you will be the Queen of Tirinia?

Naofuda: - Mizeya! Don't be shameless in my presence.

Margaret: - Haha, leave it alone.

Mizeya went about his business, but something is not leaving the king alone, when would be the right time to do what he has wanted to do for a long time, he is waiting for the opportunity.

Naofuda: - Come with me for a while.

He took Margaret's hand, then the two of them walked up a hill in the yard, they looked into each other's eyes, Margaret already thought he wanted to kiss her there, but the situation was completely different. He handed the woman a flower that he had hidden behind his back.

Margaret: - Is it so hard to read me?

Naofuda: - Why?

With that momentum, Margaret goes right up to the king's face and kisses him with every single feeling she's been harboring for 10 years.

The woman pulls her head away.

Margaret: - Huh, I wanted to do this a long time ago.

Naofuda: - Margaret!?

The king is visibly embarrassed, then with a weak movement, he descends to the ground, or rather to his knees.

Margaret: - Naofuda? Why did you kneel?

Naofuda: - I only need to look at you once and I already know the answer, I want to spend my life with you.

He takes out a small box.

Margaret: - You're kidding me now, aren't you? Why only now?

Naofuda: - You were always the one I was in love with, I love you.

He opens the box, which contained a diamond ring, then tops it off with an expected question.

Naofuda: - Will you be my wife? Will you be the Queen of Tirinia?

Touched, Margaret's tears just flowed, too much stimulation for her, but that's how it should be.

Margaret: - Yes.

He slipped the ring on her finger and they looked at each other.

The queen jumped into Naofuda's arms in joy.

At sunset, in each other's arms, they felt as one just by the contact of their lips, which turned into kisses.

The two entered the castle and then stopped in the waiting room, why? All the staff bowed before them.

Walter: - Welcome my king and queen of Tirinia.