
Chp 1 -Prologue

"It was unforgivable." A woman with long silk like pumpkin orange hair, and a silver stripe running through the edges. Wearing a skin tight dress that frames the overly thick curves she possessed. "Im absolutely revolted. He DARE suspend me from the kingdom, what will he do without me ?! Rule ? WHAT AN ABSOLUTE FOOLISH HYPOCRITICAL BASTAR-"

The woman was cut off by a skittish unbalanced voice that had little to no authority or confidence what's so ever, "M- Ma'am ? Your tea as you requested...!" the nervous boy exclaimed trying his best to sound confident but failing miserably. The two had taken cover in a dreadful cottage far into the forest. The inside had a terrible stench that was beyond foul but alas this was the best they could do for the time passing.

The young man was her loyal servant from the day she was born. She may only be a few years younger then him, his naive personality raking a toll on his maturity but he was far more thoughtful and less reckless in his actions. The duo used to be a four membered group, The young female, her loyal servant, and two other young men.

When they were children they couldn't yet comprehend the importance of their future and what their destiny would behold. The sickly sweet memories of the left behind past were open wound yet to be sealed from bleeding out into larger quantities of complications and dilemmas. The third boy was soon to become the King of the greatest empire to ever be known to man. The fourth disappeared long before their fate was sealed. It was a tragedy that struck changing the three for the rest of their lives...

The young woman jolted up a bit when a glittering soft hand was placed on her shoulder. "Ma'am ? Are you alright ? You fell silent...Im starting to worry." she gently tucked a strand of hair from in front of her pale face behind her ear and sighed. She let the over powering rage subside for the while as she sipped her awful brewed tea. Of course she knew it wasnt the fault of her trusty servant. Her deep galaxy violet eyes shifted to his blue marbled ones. Sighing she decided to change her hair one more time so that she could blend in with everyone else as she planned on traveling to the greatest kingdom of all, it had succeeded far past her own. She was far to grateful for that to be a possibility. She ushered her little servant over to her with a wave of her hand. He scurried over to her and sat on her pillow like lap. "You are so well trained. Im glad to have you on my side." she whispered, her warm breath brushing up against the back of his neck causing the little hairs to stand up automatically. Her hands rest on his waist while her soft tongue drew out running along his next leaving a trace of her warm salvia. He shivered and whimpered ever so slightly. "My delicious little appetizer." she chuckled pulling back letting him stand back on his feet to adjust himself. He moved around setting up sleeping arrangements while she licked her lips slowly like a fox would seeing their new found prey. The fire and heat inside of her died down ever so slightly allowing her to slip off her dress that she despised, which allowed her to cover herself if furs they had found in a closet from a former cottage they ransacked. "Ma'am ?" her servants voice chirped with curiosity. "Yes my darling ?"

blush sprouted across his cheeks as he sheepishly turned away. "What will become of our names ?"

"We will rid them. Just like everything else in our lives." she stated softly as she grabbed a shard of broken glass, bringing it up to her neck. Her servant reached his hand out as his eyes widened. "No !" He yelled before he saw it. Red. Everywhere...


A/N: Ey yo guys, what's up !? so this is my first actual story that i care about and all so I hope y'all liked it. So far our gorgeous Duo are at a cliffhanger which I do hate leaving it at here but thats All tge creativity my mind will allow me to eject from myself without getting some sleep and eating. I dont have a schedule for posting since School will be starting up real freakin soon and to hell with dealing with deadlines. So Ill post as much as I possibly can. If you have any opinions or suggestions please do contact me on instagram since that's the only social media I really have. @okamisour

Thank you for reading this and I will try to update as much as possible and keep my author notes limited so you can enjoy the story.