
The Beginning

What if you could control everything in the world with one thought? And what if you could control the elements with your mind? Well, I can. But like every supernatural I have a weakness and that is I can't control people's minds because they are the most guarded part of your mind. What I told you and what I am about to tell you is 100% true. And you're just going to have to trust me because if I show you I would have to kill you but, I can tell. I know it sounds awesome to be able to do what I do but it's not all fun and games. Just imagine sleeping in a barn waking up with fear of being killed.

I know it sounds like I hate my powers but I don't. I love my powers and wouldn't give them up for anything in the world. I don't know how or why I have powers. I look pretty normal. I have hair black as coal that is kind of shinny that goes to my waist. I have a height of 6ft and 2inches which is pretty tall for a 15 year-old. My eyes are a bluish green.

My name is Aqua. My parents named me after my eyes. My parents died when I was 5 years old in a car crash. In those 5 years of my life my parents kept me from getting noticed by anyone. So, that means I was home schooled and they never let me play outside. I thought that they were just being overprotective like any normal kid would. On the day my parents died, I found an envelope with my name (in cursive) in the middle of the page. I opened the envelope and inside was a letter telling me what I am and why I didn't have a normal childhood.

For the past 10 years I did what the letter told me what to do... I hid. I hid from bad guys and good guys for my own protection. That is all I did. I didn't go to school or have any friends. I got food out of dumpsters and got my clothes anywhere I could find them. But I what clothes that were bought for me not stolen by me. So I decided to come out of hiding. Maybe if I tell the government that I mean no harm, that I want to help and all I want in return is protection and be able to go to school (so I complain about going to school) so, they won't kill me.