

I don't expect the government to believe me like come on I wouldn't even believe me and I am the one with the telling them. So if I won't them to believe me, I am just going to have to show them what I can do. Luckily I live at 18th St NW which is just down the street from the White House in Washington, DC. That's right I live in Washington, DC near the White House. By the time I wake up its early dawn and the sky as a pinkish purple color to it. It's so pretty that I stop and look at it. After five whole minutes I realized that I am on a mission. So I resume walking down the street. Then I realized that no one is going to be up and how am I supposed to get in with thought causing any trouble. The obvious answers to those two questions are waiting for someone to wake up and I don't think I can get in without using my powers so I'll just have to use them. Which I really don't like to use them against good people (noticed I said good people right) but will if I have too.

After two hours of waiting a light finally goes on upstairs. So after making sure no one is around I go around the corner. Just as I start to think I'm home free a police officer stops me and says, "No citizens aloud past this point" (great now I have to get past this stupid officer not that all officers are stupid just this one is)

"I understand, Sir, but I'm no ordinary citizen." I said as seriously as I could manage.

"What do you have a special power or something" the officer said rather jokingly.

"Actually, yes I do." I said quite surprised. What? How was I supposed to know he would guess that right, I guess he's smarter than he looks.

"You've got to be joking." The office said with a laugh in his voice like I said the funniest thing (which I'm pretty sure I didn't). I take back what I said about him being smart.

"No, sir I'm being dead serious and I can show you." I said with a serious face.

"O-yeah, how? The officer said

"Look down." I said. When he looked down he started to scream like he was in his worst nightmare. And that's I would do if I was floating five feet in the air without anything holding me up.

"Put me down right now!" he ordered like he had any authority over me which I pretty sure he doesn't.

"I'll put you down if you take me to the president and promise that you won't run away or scream for help." I said

"Okay, okay just put me down." He pleaded. When I put him down he just stood there and stared at me. I started to think that he might run away but he surprised me by telling me to follow me so I did. He led me to the gate and let me go first.

"This way, Ma'am" he said as pointed in the other direction where the door was. (Duh)

"Thank you." I said

"What is your name?"

"Aqua, what is your name? How old are you?" I fired back.

"I'm Zack and I'm 16.And I'm an intern not a cop if that's what you're thinking." He said like he knew what I was thinking. He was about 2 inches tall then me; he had black hair like mine which had that messy bed head look and had crystal blue eyes.I read his mind and came up with nothing that he hadn't told me already.When I tried to read his mind something blocked me from going any further then what he told me and no matter how hard I tried to just couldn't read it.I knew that what ever he was blocking me from it wasn't just emotion it was something more then that.I figured that when he was ready to tell me when he was ready to tell me he will. Before I knew it we were at the President's office door and Zack was knocking on it. I know I came here to see the President but it still surprised me when President Obama opened the door he looked like he was expecting someone because he was dressed up.

"Zack, why is she here?" The President said getting straight down to the point.

"Well, she has.....she has....." Zack said before the President interrupted him trying to get to the point faster.

"She has.... what, Zack!" He shouted getting annoyed with Zack.

"Powers....she has powers." He answered with complete honesty.

"Show me" President answered looking at me.

"Zack will you help me demonstrate" I said looking

"Sure." He said. I started at and contented on Zack and then he starts to go up off the ground.

"I can control everything but it does come with a price."I say as I put Zack down.

"And what's that." the president said

"I run out of energy if I do it too much and I can't control or read certain emotions."

"Oh, that won't be a problem."The President said so quietly that I couldn't hear him

"What won't be problem for what sir?" I said.

"Oh nothing, would you like to come to work for us?" The president said