
Applying Logic to the Unknown

When Caspian wanders out into the forest to meet with his friends, things take a dark turn and he ends up in a race for survival against the unknown. Follow Caspian as he lies, steals and plans his way into a less frightening life, as long as he does not get eaten first. All rights to the picture go to the original artist.

MrRereader · Fantaisie
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60 Chs


It has been two days since I left the village of Myrth and all I can say is that traveling is awful, especially when you are on your own in a place you do not know, walking on the uneven ground all day for two days straight, but I finally reached it, I can now see the walls of the city, and it is magnificent, a beacon of civilization when compared to the other places I've seen.

I can't help but reminisce of what happened on the way while atop of my new steed that I borrowed from an unwilling family.

It all happened on the night of the day I left Myrth, I had been walking for hours and it was close to dusk, knowing what Georg told me I didn't dare stray from the road or get close to the water, so as the sun was setting and I started thinking of making a fire and cowering next to a tree waiting for night to pass I saw in the distance the next village over, the only one between Myrth and Westerngrad.

I cannot quite recall its name as I have not spoken with anyone in it.

As my luck would have it, by the time I reached them it was already nighttime, and villagers do not leave their houses at night time, unless they don't wish to be eaten, yes, this world is that bad, the beast in the forest is childsplay when compared to some other stuff they told me about.

At least that thing stays in its territory most of the time and only feeds on livestock and the occasional villager.

I will get to that later, right now I was reminiscing about how I acquired the horse.

As I got close to the village it was pitch black, the land only illuminated by the stars, so as I stalked my way through the village, avoiding the roads, and in the opposite direction of the river, bad things dwell there, I reached a storage of sorts.

The door was not locked and it smelled very bad, but it was safer than outside, still, i couldn't make a fire so I had to huddle in the small mountain of dry grass that someone placed inside.

It wasn't that bad, I managed to sleep until close to morning when a noise spooked me awake, it was a thump on the wall, so I was instantly alert and preparing to run away at the first sign of danger.

Looking underneath the door showed me that it was dark outside, how dark I couldn't tell but I didn't want to risk it, so I stayed quiet and waited.

I did not have to wait long as I heard the voice of a man and the neigh of a horse, the man was talking loudly to someone far away while preparing the horse for that days work and to my luck, he left after a while so I went outside and headed to the barn next door only to see a big chestnut-colored horse.

I did not know how to ride without a saddle so it took me a while to figure how to put it on and I did it wrongly, still, I did it, and I got up the horse and pushed the barns door open as silently as possible, which was not very silent as I instantly heard a female voice screaming ''Thief he's stealing our mare''

So I booked it, hit the horse on the side and went down the road, the horse was well rested and used to carrying weight so it went quite well.

Now I did steal an animal and they are most certainly looking for it, that is why I the first thing I will do is sell it, no, that will be the second thing, the first thing would be hiding my face in order to not be seen selling the horse, it was dark outside so the owners most certainly did not see my face, even if they saw it, what will they say, a bald man hid in our storage until early morning then stole our horse and rode off on it, good luck with that.

I got a bit attached to the horse on my way here, Georg told me it would take around 3 days yet here I am at the gate of the city in two days, I pushed the animal quite hard to get here, but I almost ran out of food, my body can't quite deal with a minimalistic diet yet.

So as I rode down the road surrounded by people shuffling around both on foot and on horseback, with carriages going by every now and then, I can't help but appreciate the wide paved streets, at least they got that right.

I can also now smell the breeze, very ocean-like yet it doesn't quite cover the stench of unwashed humans, myself included.

In the distance I can see a bridge before a gate, looks like a checkpoint of sorts. Standing guard are some soldier wearing colorful tunics of blue and red and holding spears and halberds, the roofs of the houses on the other side are all a sort of brown-orange which combined with the clothes and funny hats some people wear makes me think that I am not in the medieval ages but more of a renaissance like era, much better in my opinion.

Let's see if I can make a life for myself in this city, then figure out how to get out of here, if it is even possible.

If you enjoyed or have any questions or suggestions do leave a comment and a review.

Have a good day.

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