
Applying Logic to the Unknown

When Caspian wanders out into the forest to meet with his friends, things take a dark turn and he ends up in a race for survival against the unknown. Follow Caspian as he lies, steals and plans his way into a less frightening life, as long as he does not get eaten first. All rights to the picture go to the original artist.

MrRereader · Fantaisie
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60 Chs


After reading the journal we started heading down to the port, I needed to ask the madam about how to deal with these things.

On the way there I asked the giants if they know what these things are, after a short description Vun seemed to remember and told me about how they were used as hunting animals. He also added the important fact that they cannot be tamed, only captured and released in order to hunt for prey.

In other words, there exists a way to capture them.

We reach the bar in the early evening, the sky is still blue but it will quickly become dark so I was in quite a hurry, therefore instead of going to the bar and talking with Olan, who most likely was busy due to all the noise inside the bar, I headed to the brothel next door.

This time it was opened for business. The wind was stronger by the dock, strong enough to push over some empty barrels and the like, yet somehow my cloak was barely moving, truly amazing especially when I compare it to the ones owned by my guards, the thing that first comes to mind is curtains flapping in the wind.

Ubam pushes the door open for me and we head in, I hear him ask behind me. ''Boss are you going to meet the madam?'' I answered with a short ''Yes''. He continues. ''How long will it take?'' Odd question to ask, it is in fact the first time he asked me a question like this since we met.

''Not long, a few minutes at the very least, an hour at most, why?'' Vun who heard our little exchange answers in his stead.

''Sir Caspian, Ubam is still young'' What does age have to do with this. I look at Ubams face, in order to do that I have to lift my head almost as far as I can, he seemed somewhat embarrassed.

''Oh, I get it.'' He wants some alone time with the ladies. ''No problem, be sure to be quick, we will not wait for too long'' Ubam just does a fake cough and scurries away.

While we are on the subject I ask Vun. ''How old is he exactly, he can't be that young''.

''He is barely thirty years old sir Caspian, very young for us'' How long do these guys even live, I never asked. ''How about you?''.

''I am well into my eighties, served as a soldier for most of it'' So Vun is a grandpa.

''How long does a giant live Vun? I never read anything about your lifespan as a race''. If you live more than 300 years I quit, its too unfair.

''That is because there are not many who reach their natural end, as we grow older our bodies can no longer sustain themselves so we die, but that is due to growing weaker with age, it is not because our lifespan ends. As for you question, the oldest giant I heard off was born with a defect that made him smaller than many, almost human-sized, he reached 200 years before he got killed in battle, for normal giants 120 is considered old, and we become unable to move soon after reaching that age''.

This is the most I ever heard him talk since I met him, not only that but he dropped quite a lot of information on me. So what he is saying is that they can live for 200 plus years, but as they grow older their bodies fail them, most likely their bones can no longer sustain the weight and just snap, therefore they die, sad.

''I see, that is truly a tragedy, I hope you live a long life Vun''. He just nods.

Our little chat is interrupted as a woman comes over and speaks. ''A human and a giant coming in together, why that is quite a rare sight indeed''. She is a plain human woman, nothing to see here.

''I came here to talk with you boss, the missus that runs this fine establishment''. She seems surprised at my words.

''She does not serve customers sir, I am afraid I cannot help you''. I feel like this happened before.

''You misunderstand me, I did not come as a customer, but as a guest, I have somewhat of a business proposition for her''. The lady just nods suspiciously and heads up the stairs where I know the office is located.

Vun and I just stand in the middle of the room while the other customers, both humans and giants, are carousing. We stand out like a sore thumb, as the inside is nice and warm yet we are fully equipped for travel.

The woman returns and tells me. ''Come with me sir, I shall bring you upstairs''. I nod and follow her. Without looking back the woman says.

''Sir Caspian, next time you come please introduce yourself, madam told us about you, but I did not know your appearance, I apologize for offending you''. Did I not introduce myself? Must have forgotten, it happens.

''Do not worry about it, the fault lies with me, I was in too much of a hurry''. The rest of the journey continues in silence.


When we reach the third floor the lady does not even knock on the door and just opens it.''Madam, I have brought sir Caspian, I shall take my leave now''.

''Good work, go back down and continue welcoming the customers'' The woman leaves and I am left alone with this giant of a woman, literally.

''Good evening missus, I have come to pay you a visit'' Pleasantries first.

''Good evening to you Caspian, did you come for a meal? I am sorry to say that I am too busy today so you will have to return later''. Noted, but I'm not here for this.

''No missus, today I came to ask you some question. The last time I came you told me of your younger days of hunting''. I point at the several pure white rugs lying around the room.

She looks happy at me mentioning that so she answers with a bright smile .''Oh yes, I do remember telling you about it. Did you come to hear about more of my adventure, I will make an exception and tell you all about them, only for you of course''. I thought you were too busy, people I swear...

''While I would love to listen to your stories, I do not have time for it today, maybe some other time. I paid you a visit today due to a certain situation I found myself in''. That piqued her curiosity.

''What situation would require my hunting expertise? You have to know Caspian that I did not hunt simple wolves for those pelts, it was something much more dangerous''. She seems a bit offended, but that too is fine.

''Does the word Vulnog ring a bell missus?'' She raises an eyebrow and says. ''Yes, that's what you humans also refer to as winter monsters. Is this request of yours related to the woodcutters incident?'' She catches on pretty fast.

With a wide smile, I grab the magic contract and unfurl it in mid-air, the purple signature next to the drawing symbolizing the workshop is quite eye-catching.

''I happen to have purchased the rights to the workshop this very day''. She frowns and gets up from her chair.

''Caspian, what have you gotten yourself into, the workshop is gone, all the workers are either dead or fleeing from the city''.

''I know, that is why I came here today missus, in order to partake in you expertise''

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Have a good day.

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