
Applying Logic to the Unknown

When Caspian wanders out into the forest to meet with his friends, things take a dark turn and he ends up in a race for survival against the unknown. Follow Caspian as he lies, steals and plans his way into a less frightening life, as long as he does not get eaten first. All rights to the picture go to the original artist.

MrRereader · Fantaisie
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Look at him go, straight to the brothel, who am i kidding, after being stuck in that boat for days the last thing he wants to do is work, i imagine he accepted my proposal not because he likes me, but because it allowed him to both slack on his job with no consequences and take day off.

No matter, we need to go, it is still early but who knows what may happen, the sooner I sell these the better.

''Vun can you carry these boxes all the way to the main square?'' Lets hope they can.

Vun nods at me and approaches a box, he lifts it with one hand and places it on his shoulder then takes a step towards another box, this time he can't quite lift it and almost falls down.

''We can only carry one each sir Caspian, they are not too heavy but we can not walk while carrying them''. Time for plan B, get a cart, that is quite easy since we're in a port.

''No matter, Finun you told me you usually work here, can you go and bring back a cart used for carrying goods, make sure it's big enough''.

Before Finun can respond, Ubam the tattooed pirate i mean giant turns to me and says ''He can sir merchant'' He then turns to Finun and scoffs ''Go get one you oaf!''. Is this a hierarchy that i see here, maybe because Finun is smaller than the rest, or maybe because he saw me just spend more coins that he made in his entire life in moments, who knows.

Finun returned shortly while carrying a cart behind him. This is not a horse cart but a human or in my case giant powered one, it is just big enough to safely fit four of the boxes so i prepare to tell one of my bodyguards to carry the other one.

Just as I open my mouth, Unam scurries over and picks up the box, I like this guy.

''We are ready to go sir merchant''. I nod and we go on our way, Finun carrying the cart, Ubam walking in front of us with a box, and Vun walking by my side probably making sure no one jumps me, feels good to have others work for you.

It does take almost an hour to reach a smaller square on the main road, one of many around the city. If it wasn't for the cart we could've been here much earlier but it is quite hard to navigate the streets while people stop and stare at a group of giants carrying boxes.

As we enter the square we head to the center, next to the fountain there are several carts parked and dozens of people surrounding the fountain, most likely the tailors and the helpers they brought to carry the pelts..

When I approach them with my bodyguards a young elf comes over and says. ''Greetings Caspian have you come to try and purchase some of the kings goods?'' Who is this guy again?

''Who is this man Alvan, how do you know him?'' Another elf, a female, asks this so-called Alvan.

''He is a fellow merchant i met a few days ago, look, he purchased his hat from my store''. The woman nods and says nothing.

Ohhh i remember this guy, the mouthy elf that told me all i needed to know about the shipment, i guess i owe him a favor.

''Good day to you Alvan, it is nice to see you again.'' Before he can answer I continue in a louder tone of voice. ''I have not come here today to purchase but to sell, i have already acquired all the pelts being sold by the king's merchant.''

I wait for a second for my words to sink in before continuing.

''The price has been set at 2000 coins a crate, first come first served''. Although high this is not an exaggerated price, from each crate containing pelts one tailor can make about a dozen cloaks for the rich citizens that can get them about 3000 coins or so, i could ask for more but my guess is that if i do that no one would sell me any clothes ever again.

And as I expected hysteria sets in, words such as you have no proof and preposterous are being sent towards me. I was expecting it so there is no surprise, the next thing that happens does surprise me a bit though, one of the tailors, a man I recognize as the only human tailor starts walking in quick long strides towards me, the surprise is not him but what happens next.

Vul, as the giant he is, extends his hand from behind me without even moving and pushes the human tailor back with the palm of his hand before saying in a gruff voice. ''Back off''

It even scared me and I was the one being protected.

The human tailor falls to the ground and scurries backwards, smart choice.

The crowd goes quiet and just stares at my little group.

In order to diffuse the now tense situation an older man, presumably an elf judging by his height steps up and says. ''There is no need for conflict, i believe you and i am willing to purchase two of the crates, i shall return shortly with the coin, but i want you to know, being foolish while young is fine, but do not become complacent, this will not happen again.''

The older elf turns around with a huff and walks down the street followed by his thugs.

Well that's two down, three to go, it was easier than i thought, the old elf surely knows that they can't even steal the boxes while the giants are helping me and that a man who could buy all 5 boxes can surely afford to maintain guard for a long time, long enough for them to be late on the pre orders made by the rich of this city, it would be a disaster for their reputation so he chose to surrender and pay before it is too late, a wise elf indeed.

How did i know there are pre-orders? Simple deduction, there are thousands of relatively rich people living in this town, and yet there are less than a hundred cloaks made every year, people most certainly reserved one just to make sure they get it.

The other tailors, barely a handful left now, seem to stop and think about it. In order to give them a push I start addressing Alvan, the blabbermouth elf.

''Alvan, it is due to the information you gave me that this is possible so i offer to you one crate at the original price of 650 coins''. Alvan looks surprised yet happy but before he can answer I continue.

''However, in exchange i would like for you to craft me a custom cloak made of these very materials, as you can see i can not quite fit in a human sized one. What do you say?''.

Alvan barely hesitates before answering with a smile, the fool. ''But of course Caspian, come by my shop and I would be more than happy to prepare a cloak for you, free of charge of course''. This elf is not the brightest but that is fine, he continues. ''Here is the coin, may i take the pelts with me now?''

With a smile i reply ''But of course friend, i require you to sign this contract first saying i sold you the crate, it is but a formality.''

And so we do, with all the merchants, tailors and thugs looking at us we exchange 650 coins, made up of 5 enchanted coins and 150 normal coins, Alvan signs the contract after briefly reading it then takes his leave.

One less crate, I even managed to secure a cloak and sign the contract, not bad. Interrupting my happiness I suddenly hear a voice behind my ear, as if someone was whispering right into it.

''I know what you did you human merchant, just because little Alvan is innocent does not mean we all are, this grudge shall be repaid some day, let it be known'' It was a feminine voice, most certainly the female elf accompanying Alvan.

She just sent magic whispers into my ears, I hate magic so much.

With my mood spoiled i continue selling the crates to the other merchants, it takes but 2 hours until all the pelts have left my possession, i am officially the proud owner of 8650 coins plus change, well more like 8000 as i have to pay that sly old merchant.

Life is great, i have been here for barely more than a week and i am already rich. this couldn't have gone better, if you ignore the several encounters with death, constant fear and cold, paranoia and lack of sleep, and the list goes on and on.

It is time to pay the king's merchant and accomplish my next objective, acquire a residence.

If you enjoyed or have any questions or suggestions do leave a comment and a review.

Have a good day.

MrRereadercreators' thoughts