

The leader that possessed many traits of a dog was quick to leap into action once he saw his people being torn by the creatures sharp claws and fangs.

He aimed an arrow towards it firing without hesitation but the leopard leapt away from the path of the arrow.

The leopard had shown excellent instincts and natural abilities that allowed it to sweep through a couple of enemies in such a short time.

Each time it pounced onto someone, they would be killed within a single moment.

The leopard did not delay its movements in the slightest or remain where it was to savour its victory before leaping towards its next prey.

It seemed to ignore the leader of the group but that did not mean that it was unaware of the danger he presented.

The leader chased after the leopard in a hurry swinging his metallic bow towards Mallory who was overtaken by her primal instincts. "Die!"

The leopard did not confront him even though the leader had come to it and instead ran away.

Its body moved quickly and ran towards someone else that was a little further away.

Before anyone knew what had happened, the leopard leapt forward, tore the throat of a single person then dropped down further away before moving onto the next leaving the leader chasing behind with a frustrated look on his face.

It did not end there as the leopard continued on its killing spree targeting anyone that was slower and weaker than others.

Anyone that was slightly more spaced out and had already turned away to flee in fear became its first targets followed by the remaining people who were unable to hold their formation without larger numbers.

The leopard possessed power and speed that they could not deal with allowing it to kill them quickly and efficiently then it broke what tactics they tried to use to protect themselves or to kill it.

The leopard may have been without the guidance of Mallory's thoughts but it still possessed sharp instincts of a wild carnivorous animal.

It hunted the weakest of the enemies reducing their numbers while avoiding harm from those that could harm it in some way.

Once the enemy numbers were decimated one after another, the stronger ones started to be targeted.

It was like the leopard was playing around with them and was aiming for to fight the stronger ones once they had less support.

It was working since any archers or other supportive roles were killed by it first followed by any more annoying melee combatants.

All that remained was a small group of stronger people in thicker armour and some holding heavy shields.

The leopard begun leaping at the shields climbing into them holding on with its claws allowing it to knock them down.

They were unable to hold their ground and were pushed under the weight of the leopard and their shield very quickly before their throats were torn.

The leopard kept pouncing and killing each person that posed any kind of annoyance or threat to it until it stopped moving around the forest environment.

It turned back as its emerald green eyes stared straight towards the leader of the group.

Its emerald green eyes were filling with killing intent and its mouth, claws and fur were stained with blood.

The leader of the group stopped his movements and looked around, he realised that there was not a single remaining person left alive. 'Damn.. damnit!!'

He felt like he was being toyed with the animal in front of him.

He felt a wave of humiliation and indignation hit him further igniting his anger towards the leopard that was Mallory.

Any thoughts he held towards his greed relating to Mallory's abilities was long gone after the losses he suffered and the realisation that it would be impossible for him to capture her alive.

His initial plan was to subdue her using the lives of the others Mallory was trying to protect.

Since Mallory was using her own life to protect others then it was very likely that Mallory cared for them greatly or was the type of person to put others before herself.

If he had captured her then captured everyone else then all it took was threatening the lives of the others to make Mallory work tirelessly for him.

It seemed like the perfect plan which would boost his power but that dream of his was quickly overturned by the sudden transformation of Mallory into a complete leopard form.

He could not go down without a fight so he took out one of the slightly damaged arrows he picked up that was of the special material.

A lot of them had damage done to them so they were bent or not as sharp as before.

The only one that was somewhat usable was the one he found lying around not too long ago when he was chasing Mallory.

He took aim and readied himself for the leopard approaching him. "Just one.. I just need one good shot."

He calmed his nerves as he saw the leopard gazing at him as it started to circle around him like it was circling its prey cautiously.

From all the arrows that had been fired at it, the leopard had quickly learned of the danger the leader presented.

Perhaps there was the memory buried within it from Mallory's experiences that let it be more cautious or it was just its strong survival instincts that did not let it rush in recklessly.

The leopard moved quicker around him cutting off his path to escape then moved in for the attack.

It came forward and positioned its body to leap straight up towards the throat of the enemy putting it in a vulnerable position with no path to retreat.

Since it was so close and in such a position, the leader loosened his grip on the string allowing the arrow to fly towards the target.

Just as it looked like the leopard was about to leap up straight into the arrow flying at it, its emerald green eyes narrowed.

It leapt to the side avoiding it then leapt up to the side of the leader.

He responded by quickly swinging his metallic bow towards the leopard which hit it causing the sharp part to slash a wound into its body however it was already too late.

The damage caused to the leopard was not enough to stop its claws from reaching his throat followed by its sharp fangs. "Ugh.. argh! Aaah!"

The pain filled screams filled the forest one after another as each person was killed by the leopard followed by a loud road signalling its victory.