
Apollyon Game of Thrones Fanfiction [Written in Second Person]

This Game of Thrones Fanfiction will follow Apollyon, the main Villainess of the For Honor Universe, as she is reincarnated into House Lannister. Following are three Points I would like to mention: The time between the upload of new Chapters will be irregular. No other For Honor Characters will find themselves in this new World. Apollyon will gain some Abilities, making her even more dangerous, and one might say Overpowered. https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/49473/apollyon-game-of-thrones-fanfiction Audiobook: https://youtu.be/lqomLKshkkE Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=45375260

JohnKoenig · TV
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102 Chs

Chapter 85

To say that you were shocked by the Change would have been the Understatement of a Lifetime, as the up to now quite unusually warm Night turned so searingly hot that it felt like you were standing within a Wildfire. And considering the lack of Sound around you, it swiftly became apparent that you hadn't imagined the Change for one Reason or another either as the rest of the Camp including the Guards before you looked up in disbelieve. It took you a good moment to re-adapt, as your Training had made sure that sudden Changes in your Environment wouldn't break your Disguise or Cover at the Cost of your Reaction time when you weren't on Guard, though you nevertheless managed to join them a moment later.

And despite having witnessed all kinds of impossible Stuff during your time with your Companion, the Monster before you still defied Comprehension as the continuously growing and shrinking Mass of moving Magma that had appeared without a Sound behind you just silently dripped half molten Boulders the Size of Galleys into the Camp. Though perhaps it was wrong to call what you witnessed silent as the Impacts of the Boulders were anything but, yet despite that Fact the Camp still felt deathly silent even as the Walls to both your left and right were turned into burning Wreckage by the Claws of the looming Monster above.

You had dealt with a lot of both Danger and Nonsense as of late, but this thing before you was seriously just a bit too much, no matter from where you looked at it. For even the most outrageous of Legends you had encountered in your Life couldn't attempt to explain what you were looking at, as the Mass of sentient Magma effortlessly dwarfed the surrounding Mountains. Even the few remaining Mountain Knights that had proven themselves all but immune to Fear as they valiantly contained your Companion had just dropped their Weapons in Despair as they took in the four-kilometer tall Titan of molten Stone.

Since it was here and the Masters of both you and your Companion were essentially the only Faction you ever encountered that managed to deploy a Being that might just clear the Threshold of Immortality, you supposed that the Titan wasn't actually hostile, much to your Relief. Though considering it's Size and Power, you very much so doubted that it actually mattered, as every new Wave of Heat the Titan produced as its Form expanded and contracted still managed to make you feel lightheaded despite the Distance.

Yet after considering that the very Center of the Camp was the only Place that hadn't been turned into what could only be described as a Hellscape of Craters as only a small Spot of the Titan's Torso was made of solid Rock, you were sure you could endure the Heat a little longer. Though that being said, after you thought about what had led up to the Madness all around you, you couldn't help but scold yourself as it became ever clearer that you really shouldn't have done anything after your Companion had turned down your Help if he had from the Beginning expected such powerful Reinforcements.

You truly couldn't understand what was going on as the Monster still hadn't attacked once as the Boulders and their massive Shockwaves had been more than enough to deal with the amassing Hosts of the Mountain Clans. What's more, you couldn't even understand why the Lannisters needed you to take care of the good Lord Arryn if the thing was large enough to just eat most Castles in the Realm if it ever got the Urge. And while you had known just how deadly the dropping of something heavy from a great Height was, as anyone with a bit of Common Sense naturally did, you couldn't comprehend why this was the Way the Titan had chosen to finish them off.

For despite how effective the dropping of Ship sized Projectiles form several kilometers high had most assuredly been, it was still a Question just how far the Mountains could potentially carry the Sounds of such tremendous Impacts, and naturally what the Consequences would end up being. And all of this was seriously beyond you as you looked down and just silently watched how your freed up Companion took care of the last remaining Clansmen in the Ruins of the Camp. And you thanked the Gods from the Bottom of your Heart for the Fact that these had been proper Hosts and not the usual Tribes you and your Companion had passed by on your Journey through the Vale.

It helped you a lot with distancing yourself from all the Madness as you found yourself dead tired without any foes around as the Danger stemming from the looming Monster couldn't really be avoided. Thus, you simply dropped your Scout Disguise and continued to wait for your Companion to finish up as you tried to distract yourself from the Notion that you would forever remain the little expendable Playing Piece of the Rock that you were. And while you were admittedly quite curious about what else the Lannisters had been after, you decided that could wait for another Day, as your bleeding Ears and consequently disheveled Mind were really in some need of a good Potion and a good Night's Rest, the coming one-sided Exchange could wait for Tomorrow.


You weren't entirely sure how it had happened, but you soon woke up to the usual Sight of your silent Companion, both cleaned and well rested, and ignoring the State of his Equipment your Companion remained annoyingly unchanged. It actually looked like what had happened the Night before was by now just a thing of the Past for him, but you wouldn't let that matter go just yet, for the absence of the scorchingly radiant Titan simply couldn't be ignored. Though before you could open your Mouth to get some Answers, your Companion already pointed out of the Cave Entrance he had apparently been guarding, so you swiftly checked over your Equipment and joined him in looking down the Mountainside.

Though you couldn't claim that what you saw below made things any clearer, as the Woods of the Valley that had once contained the Camp of the Mountain Clans and their Reinforcements had been burned down to the Ground. And as if to make the Destruction before you even more ridiculous, the Location that once hosted the Elites of the Mountain Clans had turned into a Crater so vast and deep that you couldn't even see the Bottom from where you looked, with the Titan still being nowhere to be found. Yet as if to make the Situation even harder to understand the Valley had been filled with a new Host though quite confusingly one that didn't just raise the Banners of the Arryns as would be natural but those of the Starks and Baratheons as well, yeah, you really wanted some Explanation right about now.