
Chapter 7

Samantha groggily reached for her buzzing phone on the bedside table, the early morning sunlight filtering through the curtains. As she answered, she could sense the urgency in the voice on the other end.

"Samantha, this is Luna Tordesillas. I'm Aphrodite's friend." It was Luna, the acting CEO of CENTS Entertainment. Aphrodite told her about Luna, who will also be Apollo's manager if he decides to sign up with CENTS. "I know that we should officially meet first, but this is urgent." She added, and told her about the news that is spreading on social media and in news outlets about Apollo's departure in J.B Entertainment. 

Samantha, fully awake now, nodded even though Luna couldn't see her. She immediately checked her phone and saw how the news was spreading like wildfire. The stories sounded so ridiculous that she felt bad for Apollo. 

"They're destroying Apollo's image!" Samantha commented while reading one specific article. 


Breaking News: Apollo Chain's Departure from J.B Entertainment Unveils Tensions

In a shocking turn of events, beloved artist Apollo Chain has officially parted ways with J.B Entertainment, sending waves of surprise and speculation throughout the entertainment industry. The news surfaced overnight, accompanied by hints of unresolved tensions behind the scenes.

J.B Entertainment portrayed the separation as a necessary move, citing Apollo's purportedly challenging personality and attitude over the past five years as the primary reasons for the decision. However, specific details regarding the alleged issues remain undisclosed, leaving fans and industry insiders clamoring for more information.

Sources within J.B Entertainment, choosing to remain anonymous, suggested that Apollo's behavior had become increasingly difficult to manage, leading to strained relations between the artist and the management. The lack of transparency about the nature of these conflicts has only intensified curiosity and speculation.

Apollo Chain, celebrated for his soulful voice and captivating stage presence, has been a significant presence in the entertainment scene for several years. His abrupt departure has left fans both disheartened and eager to unravel the mysteries surrounding the split.

As of now, Apollo has not issued an official statement regarding his departure, prolonging the suspense and giving rise to widespread speculation. The industry is abuzz with discussions about the potential impact of this development on Apollo Chain's illustrious career and the overall landscape of the entertainment world. Stay tuned for further updates as this story unfolds.


After reading the article, Samantha immediately went out of her room and headed to Apollo's room. She found Apollo already awake, sitting at the edge of the bed while holding his phone and reading something. 

Apollo looked up from his phone, a mix of emotions evident in his eyes. "Did you see it?"

Samantha nodded, taking a seat next to him. "I did. Do you want to talk about it?"

He let out a heavy sigh, running his fingers through his hair. "There's not much to say. They made it seem like I was at fault. Like I'm some difficult artist they had to get rid of."

Samantha placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "People who know you, your fans, won't believe that. They know the real you, not some exaggerated story crafted by the media."

Apollo managed a small smile. "Thanks, Samantha. It just hurts, you know? After everything I've done for them."

She nodded understandingly. "It's okay to feel hurt. But don't let this define you. You're more than what they're trying to portray."

Apollo appreciated Samantha's support, knowing he could trust her in these challenging times. "What about you? Did you get any sleep last night?"

Samantha chuckled softly. "Not much. But don't worry about me. Let's focus on figuring out the next steps for you."

As they continued their conversation, Apollo couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for having Samantha by his side during this tumultuous period in his career.

Apollo and Samantha decided to go to the town proper instead of going back to the city, even after Luna told them to go back so they could plan their next move to counter J.B Entertainment move. 

"Are you sure you don't want to go back yet?" Samantha was curious as to what Apollo's been thinking after he just finished talking to Luna. 

"Yes. There's no point in making a comment about the news they're spreading, so they could destroy my image. While it's painful to see those news stories, I already expected it would happen after I left. I just didn't expect that they would really go down that road."

Samantha was surprised to hear Apollo's words. She was not really not familiar with how the entertainment world works, but she started to get the picture of it, especially since she's now working with Apollo Chain—a rising yet promising star. 

"I don't know what to say, really. I saw how proud J.B Entertainment was when they introduced you 5 years ago, but now I don't know anymore. But hearing you expect it to happen was somehow sadder than you being so lost on what to do next." Samantha blurted out, as she was confused as to why J.B Entertainment painted Apollo as a bad guy. 

"It's a business matter, Samantha. If they admitted that I left and chose not to renew my contract, their stocks would go down."

"So they had to resort to lying to the public to protect their business? And so they won't lose more money? How shameful and ridiculous." 

"That's how the business world works." Apollo's tone held a hint of resignation. "Sometimes, it's not about talent or passion; it's about maintaining an image and securing financial stability. It's a game, and we're just players following the rules set by those in power."

Samantha couldn't hide her frustration. "Isn't there anything you can do about it? Expose the truth, fight back?"

Apollo shook his head. "It's not that simple. Even if I try to speak out, they can twist the narrative or make it seem like I'm just trying to create drama. I need to be strategic, and right now, I need time to plan my next moves."

As they walked through the charming streets of Esperanza, Apollo's mind was filled with uncertainty and a growing determination to navigate the tricky waters of the entertainment industry. Samantha, despite her limited understanding of this world, offered a supportive presence, ready to stand by him in the face of challenges.