
Apocalyptic Caribbean Mercenary

Welcome to Esperanza capital of puerto príncipe de barcelona a small Caribbean island spared from nuclear destruction it's an beautiful place with white sandy beaches oh and people hanging from the palm trees. Welcome Home

Lieutenant_Fire · Action
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21 Chs

A visit with The Governor

I sit outside of the Governor's office sipping my flask then the Governor catching me by surprise i choke on my whiskey. "hola gobernador de Launey, ¿me necesitabas antes de ir a Londres?," i embarrassingly say whilst cleaning whiskey of my trousers, "Sí hijo, necesito que veas al senador Leon. Puede que intente agravar a la Legión," he says as he sits behind his desk. The Governor fiddles with a revolver he loads it cleans it and slides it across the desk to me, "bien gobernador," i say as i aim it at the Governor at put the safty on, "you may keep it it served me well," he says as he turns around to the window i holster the weapon in my coat.

"Hijo you you do know that this journey will take weeks are you fit to travel?" he asks still looking out of the window, "si i am but i have some more depressing matters i spotted a full squadron of Russian helicopters going towards Cuba," i say in a slightly more serious tone, he chuckles "again probably going back for their nuclear bombs," he says whilst laughing.

He turns around and sits back down "your girlfriend Rias is coming with you si?" he asks embarrassed i quietly respond with "if she wishes signor," he laughs and picks up a glass of Tequila from Yara

As she wishes... hmm