
Apocalypse with a cheat sheet

Bai Yanlong reset her life to three days before apocalypse. She would have liked to rip a new one to novel gods for giving her such a short time, but she hasn't got the time. Not that she can do much if there was more time. After all, she's but a poor college student from a middle class family. Now if only she could catch all the super powers in the world... What is this? she got the super powers? ... this doesn't sound right.. she has never been this lucky.. oh.. wait a minute why did that door handle vanish? she is sure it was there in middle of that door. It is only when she looked up that she realized. no good thing ever comes with out a price.. ֍-----------֎-----------֎ Discord : https://discord.gg/mRhYYtHPEy Instagram: Miuhozuki I answer questions on Discord, and post character pictures, location profiles and relevant content to story on Instagram.

miu_hozuki · Romance
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22 Chs

First lesson in Eschatology

Yanlong looked at the set of people moving busily underneath her, setting up beds and barricades. They were at least following her basic instructions, blocking the door completely, locking it with all the elements they can, rather than just closing the door. Mei bing and Huomei offered to keep the first watch.

"You need to do the live show" Yanlong messaged Huo mei.

"Yanlong says we need to do a live show." Huo mei looked at Mei bing.

"Let's do it. If this thing is as truly global as we think it is, then we need to do more, but for now, we will just announce the show on the university website." Mei bing accepted.

"We will tell the world we are alive and still fighting. I can put you guys on campus channel." one of the girls interrupted them.

"Campus channel?" Huo mei questioned.

"Our versity owns a TV channel local to this county. I can then post it on the net, at the same time, broadcasting on the university channel." the girl replied.

"Can you put one of those banner things at the bottom too?" Huo mei questioned.

"I never tried it, but I will try." The girl answered.

Huo mei nodded decisively, soon, they set up a simple blue blanket, and cell phone lights as the lighting. All the girls who were almost about to fall asleep woke up, discussing the content. Finally, the broadcast club girl intervened saying they should keep it simple.

Soon, the program is up and running. Huo mei and Mei bing introduced themselves on TV. then explained their program, which has three parts. First is an announcement of alive and dead they found in the rooms today, where to find them with pictures. Second is explaining where their broadcast covered geographically, and reporting consolidated news of it. They commented on every survivor that can be found blogging or otherwise in their area. Lastly they concluded it with few tips on do's and don'ts of these days, finishing it with a promise of doing the same thing tomorrow.

When the dawn arrived, so did the response for what they did last night. It could only be described as explosive. Almost all the questions which need to be answered by the government are directed to them. Regardless, the forum they made to announce living and dead, which anyone can post to had many images already. They decided to let it clean up itself and leave it be.

Yanlong slept early and woke up early. It probably might because of how small she is. She woke up to use the restroom, checked the rooms immediately beside them just to be sure. There was one girl converted into a zombie. Yanlong promptly gave her a small electrical shot, picked up her nucleus after beheading her.

It was a plant system and Active at that. She struggled over the decision to absorb it or not, eventually, she did. The overwhelming love the girl has for her potted plant washed over her. All she could think off is to water the plant, and make sure it grows a sprout and flower. Yanlong slowly descended into the room, finding the plant by the window sill. Only, the damned thing mutated, snapped it's thorns as soon as Yanlong neared it.

This is the reason she advised all of her friends strongly against absorbing crystal nuclei. Without a psychic talent cleansing them carefully, almost all nuclei carried a strong last wish. In the case of this girl, it is taking care of her cactus, unlike others till now, this girl's will is something amazing. This is the dirty secret Yanlong kept from her friends. A human carried a nucleus in their head the same way as a zombie. Absorbing said nucleus grants the same powers. Only, there are some traps.

First being any tainted with a distinct black aura must never be absorbed. Evil lurks in these men, their thoughts each more scary than others. In her last life, there was a serial killer who killed almost a thousand people before getting caught. There was another who established a cannibal camp in the east. Eventually, both were decimated by the army, before throwing all the nuclei in the nuclear dump site. She probably should tell this to huo mei. I digress. Her first priority is the damned cactus plant, she's already feeling the compulsion urging her to go and pet the blasted thorny ball.

She looked around for any small clue that can divert her attention from going to cactus and petting it again. On the side table, she saw a set of plant shears, specifically made to prune cactus nails and some sort of cactus growth formula. Yanlong dived towards prune shears before she lost control over her thought process, while convincing herself that the cactus is going to die if the needles are not pulled out. It's a bit like a normal sane person forcing himself to have a delusion.

This is why no sane person absorbs an active nucleus, she scolded herself. At the same time, she pulled out a blood string to work prune shears to cut off thorns on cactus. She took the plant to bathrooms. She has to grow the cactus as fast as possible before thorns grow back.