
Apocalypse: System of lotteries

The Doomsday Game Descends In 12 hours, the world will enter a long night. The long night is nothing more than an inconvenience. Other than electricity, wireless communication, and modern technology, such as thermal weapons, which cannot be used, no other ecological environment will be negatively affected. You should work on improving yourself as soon as possible before the long night begins. It is imperative that you pay attention to those around you. It is possible that he or she will consume your brain in the next few seconds. By chance, Ming bound the Lottery System

FETI · Urbain
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528 Chs

Pink for the first time

[Difficult Hidden Task:]

[I have to say, you who dared to take on a difficult hidden task just as the apocalypse game has descended, you really are courageously looking for outrageous fun. Since you are so brave, you must be extraordinarily strong, right? Is it because you are so powerful that you chose to take risks? Alright, you've finally got a chance to prove that you're willing to risk it all]

[Task Goal: Kill the Lord-level zombie boss - Beheading Sam]

[The target of the task has been activated, only you have to find its specific location, generally it won't exceed 1000 meters range from the task acceptance point, if you can't find the task target and eventually run out of time, it will also count as task failure]


Ming touched the tip of his nose. This wasn't the Sam that Da Vinci and Little Gray had discovered, was it?

No wonder Da Vinci was standing in front of him, even stripping his clothes out and without any reaction. It turned out that he was still in an unactivated sealed state. No wonder there was such a big commotion upstairs, but the Lord-level Sam didn't show up.

Ming guessed that Sam might have been an ordinary zombie at first, and was directly promoted to the Lord level by the apocalypse game when Da Vinci triggered the red exclamation mark difficult hidden task.

Of course, this was his guess.

Otherwise, it would be too easy to kill a Lord-level who doesn't move. It can be inferred that zombies and mutant creatures all grow under the rules of the apocalypse game.

He continued to read.

[Task Time Limit: Kill within 4 hours]

[Task Rewards: 1000 Apocalypse Gold Coins, 1000 Experience Points, one Apocalypse Silver Blind Box]

[Failure Penalty: If the time is exceeded, whether you kill or not, you will receive a {Paralysis} negative status for 48 hours]


Complete within 4 hours?

Isn't the time too short? There's no time for preparation at all.

It takes a while to deal with an elite monster, how terrifying must a Lord-level be?

he was thinking that he might just not do this task and accept the penalty, but the penalty is a 48-hour paralysis. This is a bit terrifying, as he doesn't know what will happen on the third night of the first chapter.

Mainly because after 48 hours, he will enter the second chapter of the Apocalypse game, and he doesn't know what will happen then.

This penalty is too lethal.

[Ding~ Title effect triggered; Ding~ Lucky Koi Necklace effect triggered, the difficulty of the difficult hidden task is reduced by 40%]

[The difficulty of the difficult hidden task has been reduced]

"The effects have been triggered~ That's great."

Ming felt a bit relieved when he saw this.

He didn't know what a 40% reduction in difficulty meant, for example, did it reduce the opponent's combat power?

Or did it reduce the opponent's defense?

All of this was unknown.

[Your Da Vinci opens his sleepy eyes. He feels that your complexion looks a bit bad. What's wrong? Don't you like the half-zombie he brought back?]

[Ming, rest assured, I will definitely double my efforts to bring you back a complete female zombie]

"Sleep well, your efforts have been heart-breaking for a day."

Ming pinched Da Vinci a bit. Although Da Vinci caused this, he also put in a lot of effort for this home.

Comforting himself in this way, Ming felt a lot better.

The task time limit of 4 hours, indeed, should be seized.

He decided to change into the new clothes [Exclusive: Sam's Assault Clothing] first.

Now he can only try to stack attributes.


Ming suddenly thought of a problem. If he wore yoga pants inside and combat pants on the outside...

Could he stack attributes?

He was someone who would just do what he thought, of course, this was not a special fetish, but purely for stacking attributes, he could try wearing it once.

A minute later, Ming put on the yoga pants.

[Your Da Vinci is watching your strange behavior and sees you wearing that pink... croak~]

[Your Da Vinci swallows hard. He never expected that you would be this kind of person]

[Your Da Vinci is shocked. He feels that he hasn't seen through you even though he has been with you for such a long time. You really gave him a lot of surprises]

[Your Da Vinci turns his head away because a grown man wearing yoga pants, especially pink ones, is simply unbearable to look at]


Isn't this all because of your touch that exclamation marks?

Suddenly, he felt like spanking the little frog.

After putting on the yoga pants and then the combat pants on the outside, the attributes did not increase...

Damn it! It really doesn't work.

The attributes of pants cannot be stacked, they can only be calculated based on the highest attributes, so he quickly changed back.

After quickly taking off and putting back on the clothes, Ming looked at himself in the full-length mirror. A black combat hat on his head, black sunglasses on his face, and a black exclusive combat suit on his body. The lower body was also black combat pants, with black scale combat boots on his feet.

An arrow bag hung on the left side of his waist, a powerful crossbow was worn on the right side of his waist, a shield was hung on his left forearm, and a  long spear was held in his right hand.

[Your Da Vinci looks at you at this moment, you look exactly like a warrior. He completely believes that you are a serious man. The fact that you wore yoga pants just now was just a momentary lapse of judgment ]

[Your Da Vinci is asking you not to stay out too long and to come back to sleep with him earlier. After all, such a big house is very lonely for a single frog]


After walking out of the door, Ming gently opened the fire door.

He already knew the location of the lord-level zombie Sam when Da Vinci went out for a trip just now.

It was in room 301.

From the 8th floor to the 3rd floor, there were four floors in between, all with ordinary zombies. To prevent these zombies from interfering with the fight against lord-level Sam, he had to lock them up first. Just like before, he locked the fire doors on the 7th to 4th floors from the outside, choosing not to kill them first.

If he killed them first, it would definitely make a noise and attract the activated lord-level sam. Then it would be him fighting alone against a group.

Ming didn't think he was strong enough to be that reckless. Anyway, these zombies couldn't break through the fire doors for a while when they heard the noise.

Everything was going according to his plan.

He quietly bypassed the 3rd floor, walked down to the 2nd floor and locked the fire door, and arrived at the elevator lobby on the 1st floor.

He found that it was very quiet outside the residential area. There were a few zombies wandering outside. To avoid unexpected problems, he ignored them and locked the main door of the lobby on the first floor.

After doing all these preparations, he walked back to the 3rd floor.

Now, he was standing in front of room 301. He leaned against the wall and observed room 302 for a moment. There was nothing unusual, so he quietly went over and closed the door of 302.

He then quietly walked past the elevator room and also gently closed the doors of rooms 303 and 304, before returning to the front of room 301.

He gently hung a ceramic soup spoon tied with a string on the doorknob, then slowly retreated, stopping only at the corner of the staircase.

From here, he was diagonally facing the door of room 301. The position was such that he could advance or retreat.


He took a deep breath, pulled the string, and the ceramic soup spoon was pulled off, falling off the doorknob.

When it hit the ground.


A crisp sound.

Then, a roar came from room 301.


The door of room 301 was blasted open, and a burly figure holding a fire axe rushed out.

Damn it!

Upon seeing that figure, Ming was completely stunned.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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