

Everyone in the world has superpowers or is am alien or hybrid of the sort and well normal humans are common just not treated right so here lies our protagonists a human descriminated and captured for experiments until his body collapsed having been sent into a new one he's rescued by another organisation Here's where their trouble begin

Kvng_zeno · Fantaisie
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47 Chs


So let's see here I was kidnapped treated of injuries and have been enduring experiments for the past month.

I no longer have my original body I now possess the body of a 5 yr old.

What happened?  During their many painful experiments my original body became so damaged it was pointless to call it a body and it seems that this body was supposed to be used for someone else but the person's mind and personality would be lost so they used me test if there was a was to resolve this so I was transferred.

Now I didn't lose my persona but I wish I did I am now in what some would call the third gen I am a combo of a half breed with mods and superhuman reasoning capabilities but I don't feel that yet  they say I'm a failure so they'll get rid of me soon.

I did say I was moded but I have not received the parasite for the transformation to be complete.

I sit in my cell wondering"it wouldn't be so bad to die right? " That's what I thought as I lay down in a new cell .

???:"hey kid you alright "

Zed:"who are you and why are you calling me kid where  about the same age"

The person calling kid was a person around 16 or so couldn't tell since it's dark and the experiments today made me somewhat blind is it'll be gone by Tomorrow it always is .

???:"yeah right you must be delusional "

Zed:"do I look like I'm joking "

???:*suprised*"oh shit what they do to you bro? "

zed:"ah so you believe me now huh "

???:"that's messed up I mean their experimenting on me and I've been here a long time but I've never seen this "

Zed:"guess I'm the odd ball huh "

??:"no worries "

¿¿?:"he persona quiet"

Another person was screaming from the other side of me . So the names persona .


ersona:"leave me alone demiurge "

I feel like I heard about that somewhere I think from my father I can't remember what it was.

(author :"anyone know overlord ")

¿¿?:"hey you in the other cell make sure you stay away from that girl "


¿??:"yes "

This person sounded older and mature probably around 20.

Wait it's a girl I was confused so I uttered that unconsciously .

???:"yeah I'm Demiurge that "girl?" on the other side of you is persona she's a bit off her rocker and guessing from your conversation  they stuffed you in a child's body right? Harsh "

Zed :"why's the point of your story? "

Demiurge:*sigh*"she's a how do I put it a um  ah got it..... shotacon "

Zed:"eh!? " 

(shotacon is a Japanese word which means liking little boys the opposite is lolicon which is for girls)

Zed :"b-but I'm not oooh"

Demiurge:"get it now? "

Persona:"hey stop telling him weird likes, hey new guy I'm not a shotacon, you  believe me right? Right? "


I can feel the desperation in her voice I have no idea how to respond. I

Demiurge:" hey your scaring him and besides ,only a shotacon would ask like that "

Persona :"why you"

And the argument begins with neither side letting Up so I cut in.

Zed :"I'm zed since you both forget to ask "

[Demiurge&persona]:"oh sorry "

Zed:"well at least you guys stopped "

They both start laughing and I feel like joining in but the pains a bit much. Just my luck the first friends I make after coming to this place after a month Is a shotacon and some guy with a weird name.....its not that bad though.

....bit just in case I think I'll keep my distance I still have the strength of a  normal 5 yr old and it'll be like that for a while .

It's the next morning the pain is gone and my sights returned which is cool. I was already getting prepared for pain when I heard an alarm.

[Alert! Alert the facility is under attack all experiments and personnel evacuate immediately. ]

The base is under attack? the experiments saw this as a chance and attacked the guards, scientists, anyone who wasn't an experiment.  It's been a while since I seen so many people so I'm confused.

Suddenly I'm knocked over and kicked around by the running people and guards as I think "when will this end " the ceiling breaks open and I can see people fighting lab workers. "uh oh their coming Over-"

That was my last thought when the ground caved in on me and I fell .

I was woken up by water that had dripped into my face. 'wait water? '

I wake up and open my mouth to drink the water tastes weird but I don't care the doctors didn't give me water yesterday after the water stops dropping I lay back on my back and wonder 'so this is how I die alone with no one knowing where I am I will definitely starve to death if I don't suffocate ,not a bad death for someone like me '.

Personas pov.

I meet a boy named zed yesterday I wonder how he's doing he looked so cute yesterday I want him all to myself .wait, wait, wait, I'm not a shotacon alright?  I just like cute little boys okay?

Anyhow he's supposed to come here since this is where the doctors will carry off the experiments until I here the alarm I panic and try to find zed but people are pushing and people are bursting through the floor and ceiling picking up experiments and running off with them I bump I hid in a corner I walk backwards slowly into the corner and bump into someone.


???:"shhh don't scream stupid "

Persona:"Demiurge? "

Demiurge:"yes it's me be quiet "

Persona:"you seen zed "


Persona:"hope he's safe "


Persona:"hey! "

Demiurge pov.

After finding persona I'm relived why? We may not get along but shes my find though I ridicule her about her height even though it's okay for a normal 16 year old girl .

okay I lied she's a bit in the short side for me she has dark skin and looks like an elf which she actually is bit experiments darkened her skin although she is more cute this way it hurts it's not her original color.

We've know each other for long time it's been almost 4 years now If she wasn't a shotacon we would have dated. I'm 19 by the way in this place 16 is considered marriageable age so I'm not a lolicon at least I think so .i hope so.

I look past her and see Zed getting kicked about and struggling I point it out to his admirer.

Demiurge:"Hey sona there's your love interest "

Persona:"zed?  Where?  ah found him.... Hey! "

Demiurge:" too late to take that back you just admitted it "

Persona:"I...um ...no-its not. *sigh* fine I'm a shotacon alright is that so wrong!? "

Whoa she finally accepted it but  why do I feel like I did a bad thing  .

Persona:"zed!,zed! "

Demiurge:"stop screaming he can't hear-" 

The ground suddenly caves in beneath him. Sona nearly ran to jump after him.

Demiurge :" sona no "

I manage to hold her back and then

???:"hey I found some "

Uh oh we try to run but get caught I give up personas still struggle.

Persona :"let me go stop "

???:"where saving you kid"

Persona :"if you wanna save someone save  the boy who fell through the hole you guys made"

They all stand there quiet it appears that hit home.

Zed pov.

Zed:"I'm tired  maybe I should sleep "

No good huh this is lack of oxygen damn this is bad what do I do I'm barely conscious.

???:"hey I heard something check under the ruble "

'Someone heard me?'. The ruble starts to shift bit I can see since it's pretty dark, no who am I kidding I'm half conscious with a concussion I wouldn't see even if the sun was here.

???:" you okay kid ? "

Now where have I heard that before ? Is this DeJa Vu  interesting I think sarcastically as I pass out .